

【低失記憶術 Hypomnesic Memory】2024 Afterimage Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2024-01-07 ~ 2024-01-22

  • 地點

    鬧空間 & 鬧房間/延平南路58號3F、4F

  • 相關連結

  • 參展藝術家

    王懷遠、李永傑、莊約翰、邱靖婷、胡小霓、侯蔽、許戊德、許曉薇、黃聖鈞 & 薛若儀、黃思婷、趙若彤、顏子惟、蘇長慶、Viviane Roi

  • 我們的記憶不僅時常以影像的方式現身,影像也藉由自身成為了我們的記憶,甚至主導著我們生活中的一切思考和觀看。





    Our memories not only often manifest in the form of images but also become our memories through the images themselves, even dominating all our thoughts and observations in life.

    The images in motion, when they enter our field of vision, do not emphasize inner depth nor become deeply ingrained in our memory. They pursue becoming a ubiquitous configuration scattered throughout the entire work, characterized by both low fidelity and easy distortion, loss, and blurring. These images seek to be encountered as a cohesive event within the whole. As embodiments of Hypomnesic Memory, they often create vague remnants in the viewer's mind at some unconscious moment during the viewing.

    When memories are presented in the form of images, they gradually shape the viewer's memory, attempting to layer or converse with the viewer's existing personal memories. In the end, motion images are not only composed of images but also a desire for memory expression. Memory and images form an endless loop, always coming at us like fragments and flashing by.

    As a creator of motion images, when crafting these images, a memory narrative is simultaneously provided. Images are collected, reorganized, or arranged to generate differences or similarities, frame by frame, flowing images that string together into a dynamic narrative of memory through motion images.

    Therefore, the production techniques of motion images are also the techniques of creating memories, and the concept of Hypomnesic Memory is how memories are touched and viewed in the form of fragile silhouettes. If an image represents a form of low-loss memory, after experiencing the impact of motion images, viewers will inevitably revisit those seemingly untraceable images that once brushed past their lives in the subtleties.

    低失記憶術 Hypomnesic Memory


    展覽時間|Exhibition Dates & Time
    01.07 - 01.22 2024

    週一 Mon. - 週六 Sat. 10:30am - 10pm
    週日 Sun. 11:30am - 7pm

    鬧空間 NOW space & 鬧房間 NOW room

    開幕|Opening reception
    01.14 2024

    Afterimage & 鬧工作室 NOW studio

    佈展協力|Exhibition Installation
    Our Place 我們家


    低失記憶術 Hypomnesic Memory

鬧工作室 NOW studioAfterimage陳世育錄像與裝置鬧空間 NOW space


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