
C Square Gallery

【Dreamscapes: A Kaleidoscope of Imagination】JamesHsieh Solo Exhibition

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    日期:2024-06-09 ~ 2024-07-28

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  • 參展藝術家

    James Hsieh

  • 由國際策展人 Sunny Chiang (姜冬仁) 規劃,展出新生代美籍台灣藝術家 James Hsieh (謝高元) 之個人展覽-《Dreamscape: A Kaleidoscope of Imagination》,旨在以作品中豐沛的色彩能量與夢境般的奇幻之旅,重燃後疫情時代對生活的幻想與韌力。

    藝術家 |James Hsieh 謝高元 (b. 1990 the USA)

    策展人|姜冬仁 Sunny Chiang (b. 1975, Taiwan)

    而Sunny 此次策展,邀請觀者一同沉浸在 James 豐富、懷舊與奇想交錯的世界,在 C Square Gallery 探索藝術家的紐約夢境。讓他天馬行空的自由與萬花筒般的能量,為我們捕捉生命一瞬和那豐富且多彩的宇宙。

    James Hsieh, who embarked on his artistic journey in New York in 2015, found inspiration from the collision of life in the city. "New York's daytime is a relentless competition, but at night, I often dream of scenes from my childhood in my grandma's garden," he said. These dreams became the wellspring of his creativity.

    Sunny Chiang graduated from New School, Media Studies, and is currently based in New York City. With over a decade of experience in the fashion media industry, Sunny has made significant contributions to various international magazines and has conducted interviews with renowned fashion designers.

    Sunny's curation invites viewers to immerse themselves in James's rich, nostalgic, and imaginative world. Together at C Square Gallery, they explore the artist's New York dreamscape, capturing fleeting moments of life with resilient and abundant beliefs in a universe of boundless freedom and vibrant color energy.



C Square GalleryJames Hsieh當代藝術台中展覽台中藝廊


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