【大雋藝術 展間 Room 1003|2024 ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會】
日期:2024-07-19 ~ 2024-07-21
台中日月千禧酒店 Millennium Hotel Taichung
蔡尉成、白田誉主也、李素乙、墨白、傅寧、Eve Suh、Eric Stefanski、Johannes Holt Iversen
2024 ART TAICHUNG台中藝術博覽會
▍大雋藝術展間 Rich Art Gallery Room|1003
▍展出藝術家 Artists|
蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng
白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
李素乙 Lee Soeul
墨白 Mobai
傅寧Fu Ning
Eve Suh
Eric Stefanski
Johannes Holt Iversen
▍展覽日期Exhibition Date
07/19 (五) - 07/20 (六) 12:00~19:00
07/21 (日) 12:00~18:00
▍貴賓預展 VIP Preview
07/18(四) 15:00~19:00
▍展覽地點Exhibition Venue
台中日月千禧酒店 Millennium Hotel Taichung
台中市西屯區市政路77號No.77 Shizheng Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
2024年第12屆ART TAICHUNG台中藝術博覽會將於7月19至21日在台中日月千禧酒店盛大登場。展會主旨為提升城市美學品味和塑造城市精神,大雋藝術於展間【1003】特別精選了蔡尉成最新的「成相非象」系列雕塑作品,透過造形型塑文字來探索人生本相及傳達中華文化的博大精深,啟發屬於每個人的文字語言與想像。此外,更有來自日本的白田誉主也、台灣的傅寧、北京的墨白、韓國的李素乙、Eve Suh、美國的Eric Stefanski,以及丹麥的Johannes Holt Iversen等藝術家參與。這是一場跨越國際的藝術盛會,八位來自不同文化背景的藝術家匯聚一堂,為觀眾帶來一場跨越時空的視覺盛宴。
本次展覽匯聚了多元的媒材及主題,從油畫到雕塑、動物到風景、東方到西方 ― 八位藝術家的作品各具特色,卻又在某種程度上相互輝映,共同營造出一個豐富多彩的藝術世界。邀請觀眾徜徉其中,感受到藝術的魅力與無限可能。這些作品不僅僅是視覺上的享受,更是心靈的觸動;引發觀眾對文化、歷史和人性的深思。
The 12th ART TAICHUNG will be held at the Millennium Hotel Taichung from July 19th to 21st, 2024. The art fair aims to enhance urban aesthetics and mold the city's spirit. Rich Art Gallery has specially selected the latest "Reality is not what is seems" series of sculptures by Tsai Wei-Cheng in room 【1003】. Tsai reveals the richness of Chinese culture and investigates the essence of life with sculptures in the shape of Chinese characters, igniting the imagination and language of every individual. Aside from that, artists including Hakuta Yoshuya from Japan, Fu Ning from Taiwan, Mobai from Beijing, Lee Soeul and Eve Suh from South Korea, Eric Stefanski from the United States, and Johannes Holt Iversen from Denmark will also participate. Eight artists from various cultural origins were brought together for this show that transcends borders, offering viewers a visual feast that exists beyond of time and place.
This exhibition brings together diverse media and themes, from oil painting to sculpture, from animals to landscapes, from the Eastern to the Western. The works of the eight artists each have their own characteristics, yet they also sometimes mirror one another, resulting in a rich and vibrant artistic universe. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in it and experience the allure and boundless potential of art. These works surpass the realm of visual delight; they resonate with the soul, stirring within the depths of contemplation on matters of culture, history, and the essence of humanity itself. -
view all【2024 台中日月千禧酒店 × 蔡尉成年度雕塑展】2024 Tsai Wei-Cheng Sculpture Exhibition at Millennium Hotel Taichung
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日期:2024-07-19 ~ 2024-07-21|台灣,台中市