Lascaux 1.5.67 Dual-Core II RS005
2023|Oak/Birch wooden plate, Holographic PVC, Retroreflective Polyester, Transparent Vinyl, Shellac & Ink/Polymer Acrylic 橡木/樺木板、雷射膜PVC、反光聚酯、透明乙烯基、透明膠布、紫膠墨水/壓克力樹脂
18x12x38 cm
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在Lascaux 1.0 Beta系列中,Johannes表達個人的想像和夢想。這些作品具可轉變性和神秘特質,類似著名拉斯科洞窟中的壁畫。這些藝術品採全息技術並具有光反射性。當觀眾從各角度欣賞時,它們將呈現出不同觀感。而作品標題也具有更深層涵義,它不僅指的是原始畫作,還指出在拉斯科洞窟向公眾開放後,因壁畫受損而製作出的多個複製品。與當代高科技世界中的相同情境,拉斯科洞窟已變成一種複製品和超現實象徵,也暗示一個觀點:現在已不再可容易辨別原作和贗品。
His creations in the Lascaux 1.0 Series express the imagination and dream of individuals and refers back to the Lascaux Cave. Something transforming and mystical, similar to the paintings found in the Cave. The artworks' materials are holographic and light-reflective. They seem differently when roaming around and taking in the views from various angles.
The artworks' titles also have deeper implications. It refers not just to the original paintings but also to the fact that multiple replica reproductions of the paintings have been made after the original was damaged following the opening of the Lascaux Cave to the public. In reference to the same circumstance in the contemporary high-tech world, the Lascaux Cave has turned into a simulation, a hyperreal symbol, which suggests the idea that it is no longer possible to discern the original from the replica.