
Mind the G

【GDAP#13 閾質】-10 人聯展 / 策展人- 周小淨

  • 展期

    日期:2024-07-06 ~ 2024-07-27

  • 地點


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    About 東方廣告

  • 參展藝術家


  • 「質地」一詞蘊含物質與感官間深刻且多層次的聯結,相較材質與媒材呈現的客觀性,質地承載個體對物質刺激的主觀感知。並且我們讚頌主觀的侷限性,狹窄的閾值是一道銳利的光,領我們看見難以察覺的細膩微觀的質地。


    The term "texture" embodies a deep and multilayered connection between materials and the senses, carrying a more subjective perception of material stimuli than the objectivity presented by materials and mediums. We also celebrate the limitations of subjectivity; a narrow threshold acts as a sharp light, revealing delicate microtextures that are often imperceptible.

    "Liminal " explores a diversity of materials as the central theme of the exhibition: tangible materials like the Schwarz H-Surfaces of bamboo strips, the tension between catnip and human interaction, metal objects designed based on human curves, the digital transformation of ceramics and glaze cracking, and slime that morphs and distorts with interactive kneading.

    Furthermore, it translates material qualities into the digital realm, simulating spatially disturbed materials and cracks produced collaboratively by humans and nature.

    Ultimately, it inverts the approach by interpreting human perception through materiality: the tactile interface between objects and the sticky texture produced by gaze.

    Through the lens of the creators, the exhibition showcases the rich characteristics of both physical and virtual materials, allowing their multifaceted nature to reflect off one another, stimulating new imaginations of texture among viewers.

    ▍時間:12:00 - 17:30 (週一、二休館)
    ▍地點:-台北市大同區迪化街一段 256 號(近捷運大橋頭站)
    ▍活動日期:2024-07-06 (星期六)



    About GDAP
    About 東方廣告



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Mind the G

【GDAP Show #01 李世揚 鋼琴即興演奏會】

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