
Hiro Hiro Art Space

【銀洸掠羽】Soft Glistening Lights

  • 展期

    日期:2024-07-06 ~ 2024-08-11

  • 地點


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  • 參展藝術家

    呂紹瑜 Crystal Lupa、莫妮卡.馬爾喬卡 Monika Marchewka

  • 銀洸掠羽
    Soft Glistening Lights

    展期|July 6 — August 11, 2024
    開幕|July 6, 2024 16:00
    藝術家|呂紹瑜 Crystal Lupa, 莫妮卡.馬爾喬卡 Monika Marchewka
    地點|Hiro Hiro Art Space (台北市中正區紹興南街10號)

    Hiro Hiro Art Space很榮幸在初夏時節,帶來藝術家呂紹瑜Lupa與首次在亞洲展出的莫妮卡.馬爾喬卡雙人聯展「銀洸掠羽」,展覽將呈現一系列銀波般的閃爍水光,和輕柔流動氛圍的詩意畫作。


    莫妮卡.馬爾喬卡出生於波蘭,曾擔任電影《梵谷:星夜之謎》以及《農民》的製片動畫主管。她的創作象徵了情感的凝結狀態,展現出近乎電影分鏡式的特寫畫面。注視、淚水、閃耀、珍珠與寶石,這些元素令人聯想到喬治王朝時期,情人之間互贈的眼睛肖像畫(eye miniature),這種袖珍畫經常與珠寶結合,做為戀人的紀念信物,具有特殊的親近和私密感。馬爾喬卡的作品暗示著關係所帶來的種種浮動:思念、愛意、脆弱、恐懼或謊言等。



    Soft Glistening Lights

    Duration|July 6 — August 11, 2024
    Opening|July 6, 2024 16:00
    Artists|Crystal Lupa, Monika Marchewka
    Venue|Hiro Hiro Art Space (No.10, Shaoxing S. St., Taipei, Taiwan)

    A hand reaches towards the sky, seeking to feel the gentle breeze brushing past the fingertips, adorned with gems that glitter in the sunlight. Under a starry night sky, white peacock feathers shimmer in the moonlight, as if draped in an elegant embroidered gown. Hiro Hiro Art Space is honored to present the dual show "Soft Glistening Lights", featuring artists Crystal Lupa and Monika Marchewka, with Marchewka exhibiting in Asia for the first time. This early summer exhibition showcases a series of poetic paintings that evoke the glistening light of silver waves and an atmosphere of soft, flowing movement.

    Crystal Lupa, a graduate of Central Saint Martins, explores a diverse range of creative fields, including art, music, and fashion design. Drawing inspiration from dreams, literature, and fragments of memory, she uses delicate brushstrokes reminiscent of gauzy mist, embellished with fragments of gold and silver leaf, to create a unique inner light. This forms a distinctive, timeless, and spaceless haze that allows viewers to traverse their own experiences and imaginations, fostering a deep resonance.

    Monika Marchewka, born in Poland, was the painting animator for the film "Loving Vincent" and the painting animation supervisor for "The Peasants". Her work symbolizes the crystallization of emotions, presenting close-up scenes reminiscent of film storyboards. Elements like gazes, tears, glimmers, pearls, and gems evoke the "eye miniature paintings" during the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries, often combined with jewelry, serving as intimate keepsakes between lovers. Marchewka's paintings reflect the nuances and fluctuations of feelings brought about by relationships: longing, love, hope, vulnerability, fear, and regret.

    From the external metaphor of emotional gaze to the internal exploration of spiritual sight, Marchewka and Lupa transform personal sensitivities into a glistening language, inviting viewers to delve into deeper, underwater dimensions.



呂紹瑜Lupa莫妮卡.馬爾喬卡Monika MarchewkaHiro Hiro Art Space


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