丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
【Wisdom and Luminosity】金寶旺楚克唐卡創作展

日期:2024-08-20 ~ 2024-09-21
金寶旺楚克 Gyempo Wangchuk
丹之寶榮幸地宣布不丹藝術家:金寶旺楚克(Gyempo Wangchuk)將於台北舉辦首次唐卡創作展《Wisdom and Luminosity》。
《Wisdom and Luminosity》展覽中可看到金寶將古老的唐卡藝術傳統與當代藝術視野相結合,展現了智慧與靈光在現代生活中的深遠影響力。此次展覽的主題「智慧」與「靈光」在不丹傳統文化中代表著重要的意涵,前者代表了對真理的深刻理解,後者則象徵著精神上的啟示與淨化。
In the exhibition “Wisdom and Luminosity”, Gyempo combines the ancient tradition of Thangka art with a contemporary artistic perspective, highlighting the profound impact of wisdom and luminosity in modern life. In Bhutanese culture, "wisdom" represents a deep understanding of truth, while "luminosity" symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and purification.
Gyempo’s works in this exhibition continue the classic techniques and symbolic imagery of Bhutanese Thangka, using delicate brushwork and exquisite coloring to create a unique visual language. These works are not only a continuation of traditional culture but also an exploration and expression of the contemporary spiritual world. With exceptional skill and keen artistic sensitivity, Gyempo materializes wisdom and luminosity on canvas, guiding viewers into an art space filled with contemplation and enlightenment.
This exhibition serves not only as a tribute to traditional Thangka art but also as a bridge connecting ancient wisdom with modern spiritual needs. Through these works, Gyempo aims to lead viewers to reflect on their spiritual world, seek inner wisdom and light, and achieve inner peace and harmony, while also encouraging us to think about how to face the complexities of the modern world and understand the transcendence of the inner spiritual world.
《Wisdom and Luminosity》金寶・旺楚克唐卡創作展
展覽日期 Date:2024/8/20 (二) − 9/21 (六)
展覽時間 Time:12:00-18:00 (週日、一公休)
展覽地點 Venue:丹之寶(台北市中山區明水路547號)
view all丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
【ART TAIICHUNG 2024 台中藝術博覽會】TANSBAO 丹之寶 Room 1002
日期:2024-07-18 ~ 2024-07-21|台灣,台中市