

【紅翼之牆 BHAYANGKARA】A Solo Exhibition by Sigit Ramadhan

  • 展期

    日期:2019-12-21 ~ 2020-02-15

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    Sigit Ramadhan

  • Sigit (出生於1989年) 對於警察身份的深厚好奇心,促使他深入探究其歷史脈絡。本次展覽的標題「Bhayangkara」,取自印度尼西亞國家警察部隊的另一個名稱。在這次展覽中,Sigit 以藝術家的主觀詮釋,試圖從社會的角度追溯 Bhayangkara 的身份,這種觀點已在世界多個地方成為一種現象,引起對該機構的關注。


    為了表達他的想法,Sigit 主要使用木刻版畫技術,這種技術歷史上曾用作影響觀眾對社會和政治問題看法的宣傳工具。通過獨特的視覺風格,他將版畫作為一種藝術媒介,與大量觀眾同時進行交流。

    A Solo Exhibition by Sigit Ramadhan.
    Sigit’s (b.1989) deep curiosity about the police identity encourage him to go deeper through their historical path.
    This exhibition title, Bhayangkara, was taken from the other name of Indonesian National Police Force. In this exhibition, Sigit tried to trace back the identity of Bhayangkara through the subjective interpretation of an artist, based on the perspective of the society which has become a phenomenon in several parts of the world towards the institutionthat are now being highlighted. Not only in Indonesia, it become one of the critical issues that is also happening in several countries, especially in Asia. In this late situation, repressive actions of ten come up when they escorting the society express their aspirations; there is a tendency from this institution to become a tool to secure the ruling authority.
    To accommodate his idea, Sigit mostly use woodcut printmaking technique that historically used as a propaganda medium to influence the audience’s perception on social and political issues.
    With a distinctive visual character, he made a print making as an art medium to communicate simultaneously with a large number of people.

十方藝術空間Sigit Ramadhan紅翼之牆


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【2024 Art Jakarta】

日期:2024-10-04 ~ 2024-10-06|國際,印尼