大雋藝術 Rich Art
【2024 Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會|大雋藝術 展位 Booth F02】

日期:2024-10-25 ~ 2024-10-28
蔡尉成、林俊彬、白田誉主也、茲德涅克・康芙娜、Eric Stefanski、Laura Burke、Fabienne Meyer
2024年,台北再度迎來備受矚目的藝術盛事——ART TAIPEI台北國際藝術博覽會。作為台灣最具影響力的藝術展覽之一,也是亞洲藝術界的重要平台,博覽會吸引全球各地的藝術家、收藏家、策展人及藝術愛好者齊聚一堂,共襄盛舉。大雋藝術將以持續推廣國際優質藝術家為己任,於展位【F02】攜手七位來自歐、亞、美洲的當代藝術家——蔡尉成(台灣),以及林俊彬(台灣)、白田誉主也(日本)、Zdenek Konvalina(捷克)、Eric Stefanski(美國)、Laura Burke(美國)和Fabienne Meyer(德國),共同呈現多元藝術風貌,展開豐富文化底蘊的跨界藝術對話,再次印證藝術的無國界性與影響力。
本次展覽以「反思之瞬」為整體主軸,集結七位藝術家的精彩作品,探討時間、空間和個人經驗之間微妙的交織互動。蔡尉成將首度發表全新作品《有心》及《高見》,引領觀者反思生命和社會的脈動;林俊彬透過獨特的文化符號再創造,將古今貫通,呈現文化的傳承與創新。白田誉主也的作品喚醒人類、自然與動物共生的深刻反思,凸顯時間的飛快流逝。Zdenek Konvalina藉由自身經歷與獨特視角,將流動的動態轉化為藝術的表達形式;Eric Stefanski以幽默而犀利的手法,啟迪人們對社會現象和自我內省的思考。Laura Burke的作品散發著寧靜的氛圍,細膩捕捉孤獨與聯繫之間微妙而脆弱的情感;Fabienne Meyer則探索身體與情感的界限,巧妙融合日常物品與抽象形式。這七位藝術家共同營造出一場動態的對話,在行動與內省、運動與靜止之間交織流轉,為觀者提供深思的契機,邀請他們暫時放慢腳步,反思自身生活的節奏與意義。
In 2024, Taipei will once again host the highly anticipated ART TAIPEI. As one of Taiwan's most influential art fairs and a key platform in the Asian art scene, the fair attracts artists, collectors, curators, and art enthusiasts from around the world to join in this grand event. Rich Art Gallery is committed to promoting international quality artists and will be presenting seven contemporary artists from Europe, Asia, and the Americas at Booth【F02】, including Tsai Wei-Cheng (Taiwan), Lin Chun-Pin (Taiwan), Hakuta Yoshuya (Japan), Zdenek Konvalina (Czech Republic), Eric Stefanski (America), Laura Burke (America), and Fabienne Meyer (Germany). This diverse group will showcase a rich array of artistic styles, initiating a cross-disciplinary dialogue enriched with cultural depth and reaffirming the boundless nature and impact of art.
The theme centered with “Moments of Reflection”, brings together the works of seven diverse artists to explore the nuanced interplay of time, space, and personal experience. Tsai Wei-Cheng will debut his new works “Intention” and “Perspective”, capturing the frenetic pace of urban life, prompting reflections on identity and social dynamics, while Lin Chun-Pin delves into the tension between tradition and modernity, bridging the past and present. Hakuta Yoshuya’s works evoke profound reflections on human, nature, and animal coexistence, highlighting the swift passage of time. Zdenek Konvalina transforms dynamic movements into artistic expressions through his unique perspective and personal experiences. Eric Stefanski employs a humorous and incisive approach to inspire thoughts on social phenomena and self-reflection. Laura Burke's works exude a tranquil atmosphere, delicately capturing the fragile emotions between solitude and connection, while Fabienne Meyer’s exploration of texture blurs the line between the physical and emotional, grounding the exhibition in a tangible, sensory reality. Together, these artists create a dynamic dialogue that oscillates between action and introspection, movement and stillness, offering viewers a thought-provoking experience that encourages them to pause and reflect on the rhythms of their own lives.
大雋藝術Booth F02
▪️展出藝術家 Artists
蔡尉成 Tsai Wei-Cheng
林俊彬 Lin Chun-Pin
白田誉主也 Hakuta Yoshuya
茲德涅克・康芙娜 Zdenek Konvalina
Eric Stefanski
Laura Burke
Fabienne Meyer
▪️展覽日期Exhibition Date
10/25 Fri. 14:00-19:00
10/26 Sat.-10/27 Sun. 11:00-19:00
10/28 Mon. 11:00-18:00
▪️貴賓預展 VIP Preview
10/24 Thu. 12:00-21:00
10/25 Fri. 11:00-14:00
▪️展覽地點 Venue
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
(110台北市信義路五段五號 No. 5, Xinyi Rd., Sec.5, Taipei 110)
▪️售票資訊 Ticket Information
https://lihi2.com/HDplB/fb -
view allTing Ting Art Space
【2024 台北國際藝術博覽會 x 丁丁藝術空間 D02】2024 Art Taipei x Ting Ting Art Space
日期:2024-10-24 ~ 2024-10-28|台灣,台北市