【水畫-不識真面目】捷克藝術家盧卡斯·卡力弗達微型個展 | Lukáš Kalivoda : Mirages in Water
日期:2024-09-14 ~ 2024-10-14
盧卡斯·卡力弗達 Lukáš Kalivoda
【LUKÁŠ KALIVODA : Mirages in Water】
大果文化欣然呈獻《水畫-不識真面目:捷克藝術家盧卡斯·卡力弗達微型個展》。現居布拉格的捷克藝術家盧卡斯·卡力弗達 Lukáš Kalivoda (b.1986) 為本次微型個展精選了一系列,如其姓氏「攪渾水」一般,與「水」共同創作,具有高度實驗性又富寬廣想像空間的抽象景觀。
Lukáš Kalivoda 活躍於多種藝術領域。善繪畫、玻璃創作,亦製作雕塑物件與裝置藝術,其中集大成者,或者屬於結合前述領域經驗,由其自行開發出的「水畫」(Painting by Water) 技術。藝術家利用漂浮在水面上的顏料「收集」畫面,當水位下降時,顏料即附著在水槽壁的膠紙上。利用不同溶劑與顏料的比例調配,以及干預、控制水位下降的流速與流向,留在膠片上的顏料形成既克制又洶湧的畫面,再依照藝術家對作品的感受與構圖需求,循環往復以上步驟,或對畫面進行修整。這種類似於水轉印的創作方式,讓水跡紋理紀錄下時間的軌跡與材料的本質個性。「我創造適合我的技術,盡所能充分利用它。」他在捷克 Reporter Magazine 的訪談中這樣答道。
藝術家對「水畫」技法的鍾愛,或許是因為它的開放性跟包容性。不同的觀眾眼中對水畫有不同的理解,部分人以為是令人屏息的山水風景,另一部分人堅持是純粹抽象,這種對想像的開放性以及由觀者增補畫面的空間,猶如空想性錯視「隱藏的面孔」,使觀者不識而意圖探究其真面目,正是藝術家對此系列最喜歡的部分。我們誠摯邀請觀者現場觀看、認識 Lukáš Kalivoda 的作品。不論您在畫中看見了什麼,您的視線將完整這場展覽與藝術作品。而我們都能同意的共識,或許是在巨大尺幅與宏觀取景之下,Lukáš Kalivoda 的畫作,即將帶給看畫的觀眾一股難以言喻的抒情詩意,一場難以忘懷、渾然天成的壯闊奇觀。
【LUKÁŠ KALIVODA : Mirages in Water】
展覽開幕 Opening Event|2024/9/14(六), 14:00
展期 Date|2024/9/14-10/14
地點 Address|台北市信義區信義路五段五號四樓 4F07 室,大果文化
開放時間 Hours of operation|週一至週五 14:00-19:00 Mon.- Fri.
週末歡迎預約觀展 Weekend visits are welcome by appointment
聯絡電話 Contact number|02-27224499
關於 藝術家 盧卡斯·卡力弗達 Lukáš Kalivoda(b.1986)
捷克藝術家 Lukáš Kalivoda,專攻玻璃藝術,並活躍於多種藝術領域。 他於2006至2012年在布拉格藝術建築與設計學院(UMPRUM)的玻璃工作室學習,師事 Vladimír Kopecký 和 Rony Plesl。曾在布拉格裝飾藝術博物館(UPM) 等知名博物館和私人收藏中展出作品,Lukáš 的個展遍布捷克和歐洲各地,也參與了多次國際性群展。
主辦單位 Presented by:
大果文化 Core Cultural Management
台北藝術收藏 Art Collections Taipei
LUKÁŠ KALIVODA : Mirages in Water
Core Cultural is pleased to present “LUKÁŠ KALIVODA : Mirages in Water”. For this micro exhibition, Prague-based Czech artist Lukáš Kalivoda (b. 1986) has carefully selected a series of abstract landscapes, co-created with “water” in a highly experimental yet broadly imaginative way, true to the essence of his surname, which means “stirring up the water.”
Lukáš Kalivoda is active in various artistic fields. He excels in painting and glass art, and also creates objects and installations. Perhaps the most significant achievement in his work is the “Painting by Water” technique he developed himself, uniting experiences from these various fields. The artist "collects" images by using paint that floats on the water's surface. As the water level drops, the paint adheres to a polyvinyl on the sides of the tank. By adjusting the proportions of different solvents and paints, and manipulating the speed and direction of the water’s descent, the paint left on the polyvinyl forms restrained yet dynamic images. The artist then continues to refine the image based on his sense of the work and compositional needs, repeating the process as necessary. This method, similar to water transfer printing, results in textures that capture the passage of time and the inherent qualities of the materials. “I create techniques that suit me and make the most of them,” he stated in an interview with the Reporter Magazine.
The artist's love for the "Painting by Water" technique may stem from its openness and inclusivity. Different viewers perceive these water paintings in various ways—some see vast and majestic Shan shui landscapes, while others insist on pure abstraction. This openness to imagination and the space it provides for viewers to complete the image, akin to a Pareidolia "hidden mirages" that invites exploration, is precisely what Kalivoda loves most about this series. We sincerely invite you to visit the exhibition and experience Lukáš Kalivoda's works in person. No matter what you see in the paintings, your gaze will complete this exhibition and the artworks.Yet, one consensus might be that Lukáš’s works, with their large scale and macro perspectives, indeed offer an indescribable poetic lyricism, a breathtaking and awe-inspiring panorama that is unforgettable and naturally magnificent.
About the Artist:
Lukáš Kalivoda (b. 1986) is a Czech artist active in various artistic fields and specializing in glass art. He studied at the UMPRUM Academy in Prague from 2006 to 2012, under the guidance of Vladimír Kopecký and Rony Plesl. Kalivoda’s work has been featured in various prominent museums and private collections, including the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague(UPM). He has held solo exhibitions across the Czech Republic and Europe and has participated in numerous international group exhibitions.
This article was partially adapted from the following sources:
https://reportermagazin.cz/6162/v-mych-obrazech-vidi-kazdy-neco-jineho-to-me-bavi/ -
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