

【岡本慈子:旅行的顏色】Yasuko Okamoto: Les Couleurs du Voyage

  • 岡本慈子:旅行的顏色
    Yasuko Okamoto: Les Couleurs du Voyage

    展覽開幕 Opening Event|2024/10/24(四), 17:00
    展期 Date|2024/10/24-11/14
    地點 Address|台北市信義區信義路五段五號四樓 4F07 室,大果文化
    開放時間 Hours of operation|週一至週五 14:00-19:00 Mon.- Fri.
    週末歡迎預約觀展 Weekend visits are welcome by appointment
    聯絡電話 Contact number|02-27224499 /0931075980

    旅居多國的日本抽象藝術家岡本慈子將於充滿藝術氛圍的十月台北舉行「岡本慈子:旅行的顏色 Yasuko Okamoto: Les Couleurs du Voyage」個展。生於日本和歌山,岡本慈子對文學的熱愛成為她旅途的起點,20歲起即因求學等原因長期旅居世界各地,將自己在不同城市的生活場景與光線質感融入具有文學性與詩性的抽象繪畫當中。本次個展內容擇其於不同創作地之代表性作品,呈現巴黎、台北、普羅旺斯、象牙海岸阿必尚等城市各異其趣的風景與感懷。“Abstract Painters make poems without writing ”,「旅行的顏色」展出作品如同一首首抒情的記遊詩或風物詩,帶領觀者感受藝術家異地生活的心境變化與時光流轉。



    關於 藝術家 岡本慈子:

    出身於日本和歌山,自小即鍾情於繪畫,大學畢業負笈美國留學期間,對於現代藝術鑒賞有進一步體認,學成返日後亦進入繪畫專業領域之企業服務數年,嗣為能增進對藝術品領域之學養而前往法國深造,除取得比較文學碩士學歷外,亦同時進入美術學校修習,期間認識伴侶,並隨之來到台灣研習中文、結婚及生子,因夫婿外交工作因素而輾轉移居義大利、塞內加爾、法國及台灣之間,在育兒生活中,仍然不間斷地從事插畫及繪畫的創作,其間亦曾在塞內加爾首都達卡舉辦首次個展;2011年再次返回巴黎,此期間漸轉向於抽象繪畫創作,並於巴黎舉辦兩次個展,更於 2015 年及 2016 年連續 2 年入選法國巴黎秋季沙龍展。2017 年回到台灣,開設了成人透明水彩教室與創意藝術教室,並舉辦幾次個展,後再次隨夫婿前往南法普羅旺斯塞尚的故鄉Aix-en-Provence長住。現居象牙海岸首都阿必尚 Adbijan 。

    主辦單位 Presented by:
    大果文化 Core Cultural Management
    台北藝術收藏 Art Collections Taipei


    Yasuko Okamoto: Les Couleurs du Voyage

    Japanese abstract painter artist Yasuko Okamoto, who has lived in various countries and her work is deeply influenced by her extensive traveling lifestyle , will be holding a solo exhibition, Yasuko Okamoto: Les Couleurs du Voyage in October, the month of the artistic vibe of Taipei. Born in Wakayama, Japan, Okamoto's passion for literature marked the beginning of her journey. At the age of 20, she began living abroad for studies and other reasons, infusing her abstract paintings with the atmospheres and qualities of light from the different cities she lived in, blending literary and poetic sensibilities. This exhibition showcases representative works created in diverse locations, featuring reflections and landscapes from Paris, Taipei, Provence, and Abidjan, Ivory Coast, each with their own distinct character. As the artist says, "Abstract painters make poems without writing," the works in Les Couleurs du Voyage resemble lyrical travelogues or nature poems, guiding viewers through the emotional shifts and passage of time that Okamoto experienced in her life abroad.

    As a constantly moving artist, each of Okamoto’s creations serves as a poetic response to the places she encounters. For her, abstract painting, like poetry, is filled with metaphor, indirect expression, and even ambiguity. She continually asks herself whether her works are sufficiently “poetic.” Like a well-crafted poem, do they convey rich and thought-provoking emotions through rhythm and condensed expression? Between cities, countries, and languages, Yasuko Okamoto uses her senses to read and translate the unique light and colors of each destination. Her canvases evolve from the early explorations in the City of Light, Paris, to the humid haze of Taipei, the sunlight of Provence, and the tropical warmth of Ivory Coast. While the light in her works has grown more vibrant over time, she still preserves the deep, sombre shades and delicate textures that reflect the concept of yūgen (profound grace and subtlety).

    Okamoto, who has stated that she is drawn to "ambiguous things," expresses an understated beauty through the blurred boundaries between color fields and soft brushstrokes in her works.”I didn’t care about the Japanese traditional aesthetic until I began to work on abstraction.” she admitted. Although her artistic career did not start in Japan, and none of the works in this exhibition were created there, the first 20 years in her homeland have unconsciously shaped her aesthetic ideals. This influence later led her to describe the core spirit of her work using the Zen aesthetic concept of wabi-sabi—embracing the impermanence, incompleteness, and occasional obscurity of life, while appreciating the human fragility within. Wabi-sabi not only defines her visual style of her works but also serves as a reflection of her transient, non-linear lifestyle, as well as her quiet sense of nostalgia.

    About the Artist, Yasuko Okamoto:

    Yasuko Okamoto is a Japanese abstract painter. Born in Wakayama, Japan, Okamoto had a passion for painting from a young age. After graduating from university, she furthered her education in the United States, where she developed a deeper appreciation for modern art. Upon returning to Japan, she worked in the professional painting industry for several years. To enhance her knowledge of art, she pursued further studies in France, where she earned a master's degree in comparative literature and also attended art school. During this time, she met her husband, and they moved to Taiwan, where she studied Chinese, got married, and had children. Due to her husband's job, they lived in Italy, Senegal, France, and Taiwan. Throughout her time raising children, she continued to create illustrations and paintings, and held her first solo exhibition in Dakar, Senegal. In 2011, they returned to Paris, where she shifted her focus to abstract painting, held two solo exhibitions, and was selected for the Paris Salon d'Automne for two consecutive years in 2015 and 2016. In 2017, she moved back to Taiwan, opened an adult watercolor and creative art studio, and held several solo exhibitions. Later, she moved with her husband to Aix-en-Provence, the hometown of Cézanne, in southern France. She currently resides in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.​


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