

【玄武岩下的電流】Electric Shock under the Basaltic Rock

  • 展期

    日期:2024-09-01 ~ 2024-09-05

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    武雨涵、李真子、Christine Chua、黄沁琳、Zachary Talbot、張可兒、Claudia Gómez、朱逸然

  • 現代科技,例如網際網路,改變人對於「自然」與人類的「自然棲息地」的詮釋的力量,與火山跟地殼運動可以永久改變地表外觀的力量有幾分相似之處。越來越多的都市藝術家受這樣的社會特色所啟發,開始有意無意的創作與這個主題有關的藝術創作。隱隱的,像是地底暗流一樣,它變成了人們默認的一種狀態,變成了高樓上刺眼卻平凡的大型螢幕看板,或是街頭無數自拍的觀光客,現代科技變成了人類自然棲息地中不可忽略的一個元素。漸漸的,在越來越難以忽視的情況下,我們也越來越依賴現代科技,而人們對於現代科技的依賴與史前時代人們對石斧的依賴是不可類比的,在提高生產力以外,之於現代科技的複雜面向,它也為人們帶來了一系列陌生的問題,威脅著社會安康。


    how modern technology interferes with how human interpret nature and our natural environment, namely the internet, mimics how volcanic movements permanently alters the landscape. More and more artists based in the cities respond to this quality of our society, with or without the intention to do so. It is more like an undercurrent, a default state, a universal condition, that our living environment will permanently include modern technology, and that it is a part of our natural habitat. As it will be more and more difficult to ignore, we start to grow attached to our technology in a way that is unprecedented. It is not as simple as growing attached to a stone axe since it boosts human productivity, its complexity breeds an array of unprecedented problems threatening our well being.

    In this exhibition, the curator selected artists from around the world, who individually responded to the theme, whether it be a yearning to return to nature, an imagination of ecosystem in the future, or the complex state of mind categorised by broken screens.

    Electric Shock under the Basaltic Rock

    開幕式:9月2日 2pm-5pm

    王惠瑀 Hui Yu Wang

    武雨涵 Yuhan Wu
    李真子 Zhenzi Li
    Christine Chua
    黄沁琳 Qinlin Huang
    Zachary Talbot
    張可兒 Keer Zhang
    Claudia Gómez
    朱逸然 Yiran Zhu

糖和居畫廊武雨涵、李真子、Christine Chua、黄沁琳、Zachary Talbot、張可兒、Claudia Gómez、朱逸然


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日期:2025-02-20 ~ 2025-02-23|台灣,台北市