


  • 展期

    日期:2024-10-05 ~ 2024-10-20

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    純Object 臉書
    純Object 官網

  • 參展藝術家


  • 世界存在著無盡的遊戲,人會如何在生命中遨遊、珍惜每刻的相遇?

    The world is filled with endless games. How do we wander through life and cherish each encounter?
    For Hsin Ching Chang, creation is a meeting with her consciousness and spirit. In moments of playful focus, she lets her hands and lines freely roam, shaping the body’s subtle transformations and capturing the fleeting interactions between self and others.
    Hsin Ching created "Tushie," a soft, languid figure, to embody the dialogue between people and their inner voices. Through this whimsical character, she invites viewers to explore their inner worlds. The words "spirit," "wandering," and "meeting" suggest both a spiritual journey and a playful gathering. How will you interpret it?

    張心情 Hsin Ching Chang
    過往畫作多參與大型或多人聯展,如:法國巴爾札克文學館、東京 TAGBOAT;軟雕塑裝置曾展於:當代美術館 Art Plaza、Woolloomooloo 目沙龍、TRENDS;繪畫結合行為的攝影紀錄於瀨戶內海、台南;與服裝品牌 PROJECTbyH. 合作展於 Anomi_e、信義誠品。

    Chang Hsin Ching graduated from the Fine Arts Department of National Taiwan University of Arts. Initially focusing on soft sculpture and drawing, she has recently shifted to ceramic sculpture, creating the character Tushie as a vessel for the human heart that holds diverse personalities and emotions. Through the intricate details of her work, she explores the unconscious and reflects on her experiences with time and life.
    Her drawings have been featured in major group exhibitions, such as at the Balzac Literature Museum in France and TAGBOAT in Tokyo. Her soft sculptures have been shown at venues like the Art Plaza in Contemporary Art Museum, Moo Salon from Woolloomooloo, and Breeze Xinyi TRENDS. She has also exhibited drawing-performance photography in Seto Inland Sea and Tainan, and collaborated with PROJECTbyH. for exhibitions at Anomi_e and Xinyi Eslite.


    純Object 臉書
    純Object 官網



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