【少少醒,少少睡】芬蘭藝術家Kustaa Saksi 首度亞洲個展
日期:2015-03-19 ~ 2015-03-29
少少原始感覺研究室 台北市士林區至善路三段碧溪橋站下車
芬蘭藝術家Kustaa Saksi 首度亞洲個展
2015年3月19日,萬物甦醒後的春分時節,出生芬蘭、現居於阿姆斯特丹的藝術家Kustaa Saksi 將首次踏上亞洲,在台北外雙溪半山腰上的「少少原始感覺研究室」展出其「半夢半醒 Hypnopompic」系列作品。
Kustaa Saksi 以其細膩鮮明的插畫創作為名,曾與 LVMH、Issey Miyake、Nike、Lacoste、Sony 等知名品牌合作。幾年前,難眠體質驅動了Hypnopompic 系列創作,他利用法國查卡提花織機技法,以嫘縈、金屬線、羊駝毛、毛海等織料,把擅長的平面插畫鉤築轉化成令人驚艷的大型掛毯。當意識遊走於睡與醒、超現實與現實的臨界邊緣, 蜘蛛、猴子等昆蟲動物沿線匍匐,交織出一網網微暈眩和偏頭痛的迷幻世界。
此次Kustaa Saksi受草字頭之邀來台,特別有幸與甫榮獲ADA新銳建築特別獎的「少少原始感覺研究室」合作。藝術家除帶來Hypnopompic 系列作品,也將親身進駐入睡,在自然洋行建築師曾志偉編築的大黑網底下,以身體髮膚探索都市文明和森林自然的邊界,與本地藝術家共同激發少少專屬的現地創作。
Kustaa Saksi 「半夢半醒」系列媒體報導
"The Huffington Post"
- If You Don't Already Adore Psychedelic Finnish Weaving, You're Missing Out
- Saksi's massive graphic patterns are the ornate tapestries your grandmother never had.
Saksi 的掛毯,圖樣龐大複雜,是你我阿嬤不可能做到的那種!
“Architectural Digest”
AD Choice 2014 Award
Architectural Digest 2014 年度之選
Featured at “Opening Ceremony, NYC”
While your work is realized in a variety of mediums, a cast of trippy, paradoxical characters consistently emerge. Where do they come from?
My characters have a sort of science-meets-imagination feel to them, with a lot of texture and dimension. I still get back to my childhood skiing holidays in the snowy woods and frozen sea and the character-like shapes your imagination molds out of the trees, rocks, and islands covered with snow and ice. And flashes of northern lights in the sky. There was, and still is, something magical and mystical in it.
• 「Hypnopompic」:是一種介於入睡(稱為半睡或睡前)或甦醒(稱為半醒或睡後)間,感官在超現實與現實間游移的曖昧狀態。
• Kustaa Saksi 在荷蘭蒂爾堡織品博物館內織品實驗室 (TextielLab in TextielMuseum Tilburg) 研究Hypnopompic 系列創作短片:http://vimeo.com/92534868
• 創作論述短片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6BykJ5RQJ0
• Kustaa Saksi 個人網站:http://www.kustaasaksi.com/
• Kustaa Saksi Hypnopompic作品一覽:http://alfaechozulu.com
• Kustaa Saksi 作品一覽:http://www.hugoandmarie.com/artists/kustaa-saksi
• Kustaa Saksi 媒體報導:http://alfaechozulu.com/journal/
• 少少媒體報導:dezeen arch daily
Kustaa’s work has been exhibited worldwide including at the Victoria & Albert Museum, Nike Showroom 1948, Artifact Gallery in New York, CentroCentro, Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid, and’Dray Walk gallery in London, Nemo in Portland, Maxalot in Amsterdam, Old School in Singapore, CCP in Philippines, Art Gorillas in Bangkok, the Main Post Office Gallery, Helsinki, the City Hall in the Netherlands, Espaces Commines and Louvre des Antiquaires, and Artazart in Paris.
2014 “Hypnopompic”, Helsinki Music Centre, Helsinki, FI / SS
2014 “Muna/ Egg”, Installation for Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany / SS
2014 “Hypnopompic”, Le Bontanique, Brussels, Belgium / SS
2014 “The Soft House”, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan, Italy / GS
2014 “Hypnopompic”, Tilburg Textile Museum, Tilburg, NL / SS
2014 “Hypnopompic”, Centro Centro, Madrid, Spain / SS
2013 “Hypnopompic”, Artifact Gallery, New York, USA / SS
2013 “Hypnopompic”, Korjaamo Gallery, Helsinki, FI / SS
2013 “Being/Dreaming”, KK Gallery, London, UK / GS
2013 “Hypnopompic”, Vitra London / SS
2013 Pavilion For Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair, Stockholm, Sweden / SS
2012 Cartoon Network 20th Anniversary Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA/ GS
2011 “Haapaneitty, Mettantytto “Puikkonen Mettantytto”
Arja & Saksai, Book, Nemo / SS
2011 “Bookmark 2” – Zirkumflex Gallery, Berlin, Germany / GS
2010 “Design Friends present Kustaa Saksi” – Bookm Luxembourg / SS
2010 “Kustaa Saksi’s Garage“ Pori Art Museum’s Poriginal Gallery,
Pori, FI / SS
2009 “Pen-Paper-Scissors” – Victoria & Albert Museum,
London, UK . Live / GS
2009 “Nike Lunarglide Installation” – Nike Showroom 1948, London, UK / SS.
2009 “Beneath the Surface” – Nemo, Portland, OR , USA / GS
2008 “The Heros” – Maxalot, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / SS
2008 “100 Pieces of Havana” – Dray Walk Gallery, London,UK / GS
2008 “Offpiste – In the Land of Kustaa Saksi“, Basheer & Die Gestalten
2008 “Offpiste – In the Land of Kustaa Saksi“ Old School, Singapore / SS
2008 “Offpiste – In the Land of Kustaa Saksi“ – Ccp, Manila, Philippines / SS
2008 “Offpiste – In the Land of Kustaa Saksi“ – Art Gorillas, Bangkok / SS
2008 “Selected Prints” – The Main Post Office Gallery, Helsinki, Finland / SS
2007 “Today’s Art” – The City Hall, The Hague, THE NETHERLANDS / GS
2007 “A Nice Set” – Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris, Madrid,
Melbourne, Singapore / GS
2007 “Illustrative“ – E Spaces Commines, Paris, France / GS
2007 “Illustrative” – Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany / GS
2006 “Kustaa Saksi’s Collection” – La Condition Publique,
Roubaix, France / GS
2006 “Icebreakers” – Louvre Des Antiquaires, Paris, France / GS
2005 “Printemps” – Artazart, Paris, France / SS
2004 “Kustaa Saksi – Illustrator” – Espai Pupu, Barcelona, Spain / SS
2001 “ Janis Ja Vanki” – Kiiskinen, Jyrki & Saksi , Kustaa, Book, Tammi / SS
關於少少 - 原始感覺研究室
siu siu: Lab of Primitive Senses