日期:2015-09-04 ~ 2015-09-04
TCAC 台北當代藝術中心(台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓)
Irwan Ahmett、Tita Salina、黃舒屏
時間:2015.9.4 (五) 7pm
講者:Irwan Ahmett&Tita Salina
雙人藝術團體Irwan Ahmett和Tita Salina目前受邀參與由策展人黃舒屏在國美館策劃的2015亞洲藝術雙年展,而正在台灣展開進行新的藝術計畫。
藝術家團體關注的主題包括脆弱、複雜和詭辯矛盾的元素中蘊含的人類普世價值。近年持續地探究那有時或許因為人造物質所囿限固化的藝術疆界。他們提問是否還有哪樣的藝術領地是更加趨於本質的?相信於藝術作為一種「感知意識」應該被鬆綁於那些矮化藝術價值的學院及機制教義。文明進程中的「人為干擾」 則讓藝術作品的鑑賞評價如同一陣炫風、自然而然地成為一種「告知」。然而,當面對著當前世界紛擾多端的問題,藝術的純粹性愈加驅使著藝術家,並使藝術家關注的面向走向對於社會性的、衝突性的、不公不義的、環境以及天災等讓世界面目全非的國族歷史傷痕中,藝術家的使命將是讓世界再度微笑!
Irwan Ahmett和Tita Salina為來自於雅加達的雙人藝術團體,兩位藝術家的合作始自2010年的《都會戲碼》計畫。此藝術團體於公共空間中創作了系列社區介入計畫以呼應都市的現狀問題,其創作方法始於尋覓公民議題、回應關注對象,接著將創作想法注入於涉及或無涉及公民的特定場域中,而就創作而言,他們總是以‘PLAY’作為其美學方法。
Time: 4 Sep, 2015 (Fri), 7-9pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center
Speaker: Irwan Ahmett&Tita Salina
Moderator: Iris Shu-Ping Huang
The talk will be in English.
The artist duo Irwan Ahmett and Tita Salina are currently in Taiwan at the invitation of NTMoFA to realize their new project for Asian Art Biennale 2015 curated by Iris Shu-ping Huang.
They focus on subjects that have vulnerable, complex and paradoxical elements for the embedded universal human values. In the last couple of years, they have been interested in exploring the boundaries of art that sometimes could be mistaken by people for their artificial materials. Is there another territory of art that is more intrinsic? The artist duo believes art, as a ‘sensibility consciousness,’ should be freed from academic and institutional dogmas, which sometimes downgrade the value of art. Naturally, the sensibility valued in an artwork should be a ‘notification’ when there is a ‘jamming’ in the pace of civilization. Just like a whirl of typhoon. The purity of art has pulled them into a deeper state, in particular when they witness the problematic world conditions. They are entering the territory of the social, conflict, injustice, environment, natural disasters to trauma history of nations that have blurred the face of the earth with the mission to make the world smile again.
Irwan Ahmett and Tita Salina – an artist duo based in Jakarta, started their collaboration in 2010 for the Urban Play project. They created series of interventions in public space responding to the situations and problems in urban surroundings. Their working method begins with finding citizen’s problems and responding with found objects then applying ideas in site specific areas with or without involving citizens. In practice, they always use a PLAY method.
For the last two years, their works have shifted into some complex topics which relate to social injustice, political overtones, environment, energy and marginalized groups. They’d like to explore new territories that are hardly touched by the formal system, and often these kind of situations could create universal fundamental values of humanity.
Iris Shu-Ping Huang is currently working as curator at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. She was born in 1976 in Hsin-chu, Taiwan and graduated from National Taiwan University with a degree in Foreign Language and Literature. After acquiring a Master degree in Feminism and the Visual Arts from University of Leeds in UK, she was been an Associate curator in the Museum of Contemporary Art for 6 years. She specializes in the curating of Asian Contemporary Art and modern/contemporary art history in Taiwan. Iris Shu-Ping HUANG is the curator of 2011 and 2013 Asian Art Biennial.
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