


  • 展期

    日期:2012-11-10 ~ 2012-12-16

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 台灣藝術家吳季璁將於耿畫廊TKG+|台北|舉辦個展,展期自2012年11月10日至12月16日。吳季璁作品關注影像的生產過程以及人們認知影像的觀看方式,作品形式包含錄像、攝影及裝置,而此次個展更將推出近期新作,模糊攝影與繪畫的界限。


    吳季璁1981年生於台灣台北,目前工作、生活於台北。2003年獲「台北美術獎」首獎,2004年於伊通公園畫廊(IT Park)舉辦首次個展,同年於台北藝術大學取得藝術學士學位,2006年入圍「英國世界藝術獎」(Artes Mundi Prize),2009年分別於伊通公園畫廊及其玟畫廊(Chi-Wen Gallery)發表兩次個展《水晶城市》及《小品》。重要聯展經歷包括:《The Elegance of Silence》(日本森美術館,東京,2005)、《Artes Mundi》(Cardiff國家藝廊,英國,2006)、《超設計》(第六屆上海雙年展,上海,2006)、《我們的未來》(尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,2008)、《台灣響起-超隱自由/難以名狀之島》(布達佩斯藝術館.路德維格現代美術館,布達佩斯,2010)以及《亞現象.中國青年藝術生態報告》首屆CAFAM未來展(中央美術學院美術館,北京,2012)。

    吳季璁也於2012年台北國際藝術博覽會TKG+展位(B33)展出,開幕當日將有接駁車由世貿一館會場送至內湖耿畫廊TKG+(5:45pm, 6:15pm)。TKG+更多展覽資訊,請上www.tinakenggallery.com搜尋。


    Wu Chi-Tsung Solo Exhibition
    10 November-16 December 2012
    Opening: 10 November, 6:00pm-9:00pm
    Opening reception sponsored by Glenfiddich

    TKG+ is delighted to present the first solo exhibition of Wu Chi-Tsung at TKG+, on view from November 10 to December 16, 2012 (opening reception on Saturday, November 10, 6:00pm-9:00pm). Wu Chi-Tsung works with a variety of different media, including photography, video, and installation, to create images which challenge the perception of our physical and natural world. Using techniques which play on the scale of everyday objects, Wu creates images and perceptions that illuminate the ephemeral aspects of nature, resulting in poetic renditions of the everyday.

    In this solo exhibition, Wu Chi-Tsung creates a new installation that explores the relationship between the sublime and the minute. Wu inspired by the texturing methods (cun-fa) of Chinese calligraphy, manages to transform paper into mountain ranges, or possibly a sea of waves through crumbling and lighting these surfaces. Wu recreates landscapes through the physicality of light, paying particular attention to the way things are perceived and how the notion of landscapes can be created through simple gestures.

    Wu Chi-Tsung was born in Taipei, Taiwan (b. 1981), and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in oil painting from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 2004. He has participated in numerous group exhibitions domestic and abroad, including Sub-Phenomena: Report on the State of Chinese Young Art, The First CAFAM Future Exhibition (2012), CAFAM Art Museum, Beijing, China; Boundaries on the Move: Taiwan-Israel, A Cross-Culture Dialogue (2012), Herzliya, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, Israel; Taiwan Calling - The Phantom of Liberty / Elusive Island (2011), Műcsarnok - Kunsthalle Budapest Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary; Our Future: The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Collection (2008), Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), Beijing, China; Artes Mundi (2006), Wales International Visual Art Prize, National Museum of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK; Hyper Design: 6th Shanghai Biennial (2006), Shanghai, China; The Elegance of Silence (2005), Mori Museum, Tokyo, Japan and has held solo exhibitions at IT Park Gallery (2004, 2009) and Chi-wen Gallery (2009) in Taipei, Taiwan.

    Additional works by Wu will also be on view at the TKG+ booth (B33) at Art Taipei (November 9-12). A shuttle bus is scheduled at 5:45pm and 6:15pm to travel from Art Taipei and TKG+ on the night of the opening (November 10). For additional information, please visit: www.tinakenggallery.com.

    TKG+, the contemporary platform of the Tina Keng Gallery, opened its expansive space in the Neihu District of Taipei in October 2009. Its mission is to promote and support the most interesting and significant contemporary art from the region. The gallery works with emerging artists and privileges experimentation in art across different mediums, from video and photography to installation and new media. As its name suggests, TKG+ believes in the exponential growth and possibility of art in the 21st century.

    For all press inquiries, please contact Connie Chen at info.tkgplus@gmail.com.



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