【約瑟夫‧科蘇思 公共藝術教育推廣計畫】
日期:2016-07-16 ~ 2016-07-16
臺北市立美術館 B1視聽室(10461台北市中山區中山北路三段181號)
Joseph Kosuth、賴香伶
Joseph Kosuth Public Art Education and Promotion Program
Public Art Seminars
■ 活動時間:2016/07/16 (六) 下午二時至六時
Date/Time: 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday July 16 2016
■ 活動地點:臺北市立美術館 B1視聽室
Location: Taipei Fine Arts Museum B1 Auditorium
■ 報名連結/Registration:
* 本活動免費參加,請事先於網路報名。
The seminatr is free to attend, please register.
* 第一場講座以全英文進行,現場備有240組同步翻譯機,憑身分證件免費租借,借完為止。
Session 2 of the seminar will be in Chinese, free rent for translation machine on proof of identity.
* 更多本計畫內容,請點我For more information:http://goo.gl/lI5ACG
■ 活動議程:
13:30-13:50,報到Sign In
14:00-15:30,專題演講 (一) Session 1
主持:李玉玲/台新銀行文化藝術基金會 藝術總監
‘Joseph Kosuth: Artist Lecture’
Keynote Speaker: Joseph Kosuth/Artist
Moderator: Yulin LEE, Ph.D./Artistic Director, Taishin Bank
Foundation for Arts and Culture
15:50-16:00,中場休息Tea Break
16:00-17:30,專題演講 (二) Session 2
主講:王哲雄/法國巴黎第四大學西洋藝術史與考古學 博士
阮慶岳/元智大學藝術與設計學系 教授
簡義明/國立成功大學臺灣文學系 副教授
主持:李玉玲/台新銀行文化藝術基金會 藝術總監
‘Public Texts, Stolen Texts’
Keynote Speakers:
Wang, Che-Hsiong/Ph.D., Art History and Archeology, Universite Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
Roan, Ching-Yueh/Professor, Department of Art and Design, YZU
Lai, Hsiang-Ling/Freelancer
Chien, I-Ming/Associate Professor, Department of Taiwanese Literature, NCKU
Moderator: Yulin LEE, Ph.D./Artistic Director, Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture
17:30-17:50 Q&A
■ 活動簡介 About Public Art Seminar:
‘One Field to the Next’, 2013 is a public artwork by internationally acclaimed conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth, commissioned for the new Taipei Main Station MRT Taoyuan International Airport Line. It is the first public work Kosuth has made in Taiwan. Inspiration came from a paragraph in the short story Running Mother written by famous Taiwanese author Guo Songfen. A poetic and allusive story dealing with memories of Taiwan’s past, Kosuth selected and represented one section of the text in its original Chinese, constituting the core of the artwork’s physical form and content. Translations were then made into ten global languages, including Japanese, English and French, and arranged around the Chinese to complete the installation. Artist Joseph Kosuth is invited to Taiwan in the summer of 2016, where he will give a keynote lecture. Kosuth will also join Taiwanese arts and literature professionals and practitioners at a public art seminar accompanying the installation of his work.
● 報名期限:即日起至07/13(三)中午12:00止
● 人數限制:280人
● 聯絡人:張小姐
● 聯絡信箱:taipeijkprogram@gmail.com
● 連絡電話:(02)2552-3721 分機258
view all【街角的利息】
日期:2024-10-12 ~ 2024-12-08|台灣,台北市