

【人們應該記住她的名字─Jo Hsieh 謝貽娟紀念展】We Need to Remember Her Name-Jo Hsieh

  • 展期

    日期:2017-11-22 ~ 2017-12-31

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 展覽名稱:人們應該記住 她的名字—謝貽娟
    We Need To Remember Her Name-Jo Hsieh
    Curator:Dr.Shin Yi-Yang

    日期:2017.11.22 - 12.31
    時間:10:30 - 19:00

    ●追思會:12.02 3pm
    人們應該記住 她的名字—謝貽娟
    文/策展人 楊心一 博士


    - 采泥藝術總經理 林清汶

    台灣知名抽象藝術家謝貽娟(Jo Hsieh),1967年出生於台灣,1991年前往倫敦求學,1998年獲英國「皇家藝術學院」碩士學位。2002年獲英國「費爾茅斯藝術學院」藝術哲學博士學位,後定居英國,2015年回到台灣,直至完成她藝術創作的最後階段,2017年9月逝世於台北。



    Thank you for using your own life to show me the pure and eternal nature of art.

    —Vincent LIN, General Manager of Chini Gallery

    Jo Hsieh was born in Taiwan in 1967. She went to study in London in 1991, first obtained her master's degree from the Royal College of Art, then her doctorate from Falmouth College of Art, and eventually settled down in the UK. Returned to Taiwan and continued to make art in 2015 and passed away in September, 2017

    Jo's oeuvre can be divided two periodic groups, which are her early Free Abstraction and the monochromatic Blue Period. The works of the free abstract stage had a surrealist abstract quality; she was also influenced by Western abstract masters, in particular the “musicality” stressed by the Kandinsky school. In 1997, Jo began to move onto mono-chromatic painting. She gradually transitioned to even purer geometric abstract to express boundless time and space that she called None-Space. Later in this stage, she gave up ordinary paints and adopted a rare blue mineral pigments that she applied directly onto the canvas with her hands. At the center of the paintings, there is a circular symbol like seen in calligraphy, forming a light blue halo like a mysterious eye. This is an extension of the calligraphic character of the Free Abstraction period work early in the artist’s career, however, she used a more intimate creative method that emphasized physicality to create a tranquil and reverent space, like gazing deep down the soul. For Jo Hsieh, art functioned as an interface for her to experience the world. One can only enter her art world through her artistic language, which allows people to comprehend her thinking about time and space as well as perceiving her struggles about faith and emptiness.

    Hsieh dedicated her life to the betterment of her artistic and innovative work. Her efforts and determination enabled her to create more than one thousand works that greeted the world with a diverse style and philosophical meanings.These works have not only embodied a spirit in challenging herself and her passion and perseverance to surpass her own work, but also highlighted the unique value of her abstract creations.For Hsieh, an artist who has given her life to a pure and remarkable artistic practice, Chini Gallery specially curates this exhibition and offers more art enthusiasts a chance to further understand this outstanding female abstract artist from Taiwan. Her work has materialized the essence of her life, and her spirit will live on forever.



    1967年 生於台灣嘉義。
    1991年 赴英國倫敦求學。
    1994年 獲英國「國際學生版畫展」特優獎。
    1996年 英國喬爾西藝術設計學院學士,入選「第10屆首爾國際版畫雙年展」。
    1998年 英國皇家藝術學院碩士,作品被英國皇家藝術學院收藏。
    2000年 參加「邁阿密藝術博覽會」,「紐約國際亞洲藝術博覽會」。
    2002年 英國費爾茅斯藝術學院藝術哲學博士,
    同年獲英國藝術評論雜誌(Art Review) 藝術獎首獎,
    2015年 回到台灣繼續創作。
    2017年 9月病逝。

    個 展

    2017 「人們應該記住她的名字-謝貽娟」,Art Taipei台北國際藝術博覽會,台北,台灣
    2015 「復歸源始」,采泥藝術,台北,台灣
    2014 「非空間」,采泥藝術,台北,台灣
    2013 「藍 ∞」,采泥藝術,台北,台灣
    2013 「None-Space 非空間」,采泥藝術,台北,台灣
    2003 None-Space,Michael Goedhuis當代畫廊,紐約,美國
    2002 Blue Eyes,Michael Goedhuis當代畫廊,倫敦,英國
    1999 Mindscapes In Blue,Plateaux畫廊,倫敦,英國
    「Art Taipei台北國際藝術博覽會」, 台北,台灣
    1998 Revealing the lmage,Wiseman 畫廊,牛津,英國
    1997 Time & Space,Stevens畫廊 ,倫敦
    「英國國家大型版畫展」 ,倫敦,英國



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日期:2023-10-14 ~ 2023-11-13|台灣,台南市