

【一不小心 Oops】李承九個展 Seung Koo Lee's Solo Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2017-12-23 ~ 2018-02-11

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    李承九 Seung Koo Lee

  • 芳草地畫廊榮幸地宣布,韓國藝術家李承九個展「一不小心」將於2017年12月16日在北京僑福芳草地內的新空間開幕,繼2014年藝術家首次個展「小學一年級」後,此次是李承九在芳草地畫廊舉辦的第二次個展,將呈現其近年的代表作《DDINGGU》系列、《DDINGGU-HERO》系列以及全新的互動系列作品。





    Parkview Green Art is pleased to announce the opening of Korean Artist Seung Koo Lee’s solo exhibition ”Oops” in the new space in Beijing on 16th December 2017. This exhibition, the artist’s second solo exhibition at Parkview Green Art in Beijing following the first one ”The First Grade” in 2014, will present his representative artworks ”DDINGGU”, “DDINGGU-HERO” and the newest interactive creations.

    What was on the artist’s mind when choosing such a common word in everyday conversation as “Oops” to be the title of the exhibition? When asked about his years’ study and work abroad, Lee answered that it was all “by chance”, not following any special plan or intention.

    After majoring in Sculpture in a university in Korea, Lee studied in Germany for seven years, and has been active in China for 10 years thereafter. “DDinggu”, his most representative artworks, is named after his childhood nickname, hinting that “DDinggu” somehow represents the identity the artist has hidden so far while acting like a grown-up. “DDinggu” is an outlet to him to break out from the boundaries and release the inhibition he imposed onto himself whenever he is up against the wall. Here we can see “DDinggu” making funny and mischievous expression on his face, scampering around freely and doing whatever he wants. “DDinggu” gives the catharsis through which the artist expresses his unrestrained pleasure, excitement and happiness in life.

    ‘Oops!” we assume heavy responsibility in life and are forced to become a super hero, but secretly, we wish to go back to our inborn freedom. Such yearning is all too often forgotten in our daily grind under the severe competition against all others, but Lee reassures us that it might all work out in the end showing us his heart-warming and cheerful “DDinggu”.

    In December when winter is here with the upcoming New Year, Parkview Green Art in Taipei is going to present Seung Koo Lee’s solo exhibition under the same tile on 23th December, 2017 to share with everyone the excellent story about the artist and his “DDINGGU”!



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