【《霧一般的腳步》高橋行雄 ─ 貓系列個展】
日期:2018-01-06 ~ 2018-02-10
高橋行雄 Yukio Takahashi
「霧一般的腳步」高橋行雄 | 貓系列個展
畫家 : 高橋行雄 Yukio Takahashi
展期:2018.01.06(六) - 延長至02.10(六) │每週日公休
開幕:2018.01.06(六) 03:00 p.m.
美國詩人桑德堡 (Carl Sandburg) 在1916年所寫的「霧」這首詩中,是如此形容芝加哥港口的霧:「霧來了,以小貓兒的腳步…」(The fog comes on little cat feet…) 當時的桑德堡正在閱讀日本的俳句短詩集。1952年台灣當代詩人紀弦則反過來以霧喻貓。他用「…以你霧一般的腳步…」來形容自己寵愛的黑貓。這詩句就如同高橋行雄所描繪的貓兒一般,輕盈、無聲、難以捉摸。
高橋行雄出生於日本東北地方的岩手縣,自1989年開始他以「貓」為主題,繪製出張張栩栩如生的作品。曾連續十年獲選參展法國LE SALON的他,在法國更是以「貓畫家」的美名備受肯定。年屆七十,仍活躍於日本藝壇的高橋,屢獲藝術受賞榮耀。從他的創作中,不難感受到他不僅是一位愛貓的紳士,同時對貓性格也瞭如指掌。自身為飼主的他,藉由長期對貓的觀察,描繪出貓兒各種動人的姿態及容顏,猶如花朵般地在一瞬之間綻放!他如行雲流水般的色鉛筆技法,繪出蓬鬆茸茸的貓毛,猶如棉花糖般的輕盈。作品《小姐與黑貓》流露出貓兒對信任者的愛意。《撒嬌》呈現貓兒委婉及嬌寵的示愛方式,而《容顏》及《桃太郎》則展現出貓兒的百般傲慢!掛著紅項圈的《歐喵》蓄勢待發,貓爪微露《伺機》而動。《孤挺花》旁的黑貓帶點貴氣及孤傲,桀驁不馴的是《芍藥與黑猫》。然而當你《回頭》時,請做好成為貓奴的心理準備,因為《寶弟》就是萌!
貓友們看到這些作品,總是會不斷地發出KAWAII (可愛い)的讚賞。高橋將自己對藝術的執著,透過貓系列的作品創作傳達給欣賞者,從而療癒人心。然而,畫家更關注的卻是「愛與被愛」的重現。
The American poet Carl Sandburg described the mist in the Chicago harbor in his 1916 poem "Fog" as: "The fog comes on little cat feet...". At that time Sandburg was reading a book of Japanese haiku short poems. In 1952 Taiwan's contemporary poet Ji Xian in turn metaphored cats as fog. He uses "... in your foglike footsteps ..." to describe his beloved black cat. This verse has echoed the cat depicted by Takahashi, light, silent and elusive.
Yukio Takahashi was born in Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan. He has used "Cat" as a theme to creat a lifelike images since 1989 and has been selected to exhibit in the LE SALON in France consecutively over 10 years, and has a renowed reputation of being "the cat painter" in France. In his seventies, Takahashi, still reminds active in the art scene in Japan, has won numerous awards. Through his art works, it is not difficulty to feel that he is not only just a gentleman who loves cats, but also knows well the characters of his cat subjects. As an owner of cats and through lengthy study of the cats, he is depicting a variety of moving demeanour of cats, which is like flower blossoming in a flash! His bluish-colored pencil technique, which portrays fluffy furry cat hair, resembles a cotton candy-like lightness. The drawing "Lady and Black Cat" shows the cat's love towards a person it trusts. "Attentive Playfulness" presents how a gentle and tender pet cat is longing for love, and "Face" and "Momotaro" show the arrogance of cats! Hanging the red collar "O meow" is ready to go, slightly exposed claws to denote a "Waiting for opportunity" . Black cat next to "Amaryllis" is showing extravagance and loneliness at the same time. Unruly is "Peony and Black Cat." However, when you "Look back", please be psychologically prepared that you might become a slave of cats, because "Bao Di" is so cute indeed!
While appreciating these art works, the cat lovers would always exclaim "kawaii" (=cute in Japanese). By presenting the cat series to the audience, Takahashi conveys his perseverance through his works to heal the minds & souls. However, the artist is more concerned with the recurrence(or presentation) of "love and be loved."
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