【隱-IN世代・虛幻迷景 Conceal Contemporary Art Generation】

日期:2018-03-03 ~ 2018-03-25
亞億藝術空間 AHM Gallery :台北市敦化南路一段236巷31號6樓
Conceal Contemporary Art Generation
| 策展人 Curator |
孫翼華 Sun Yi Hua
當代社會 在多元紛雜的流動狀態下, 人們生活在各類影像無所不在與數位網路無遠弗屆的世界裡。 無論身處何地,各種資訊接續不斷的出現、靠近又漸消失,人心亦然。 年輕世代慣於在此看似便利的環境中,接收或發出資訊進行著各式實體或虛擬的交流。藝術家吳惠淳、陳睿淵、黃郁筑、劉信義在面對虛擬與真實,似真如幻的迷離境域間回返叩問;同時,四位創作者的作品仿若隱於一層紗之後,而「 IN 」一詞也有著「存在 …… 之 中」意,取其與 「隱」的 相似發音。因此,這次展覽以「 隱(IN)」為題,試圖再現年輕藝術家與當下世界的連結共生與緊密共融。
Nowadays, the society in a floating status with multiple chaos. People are living in the world surrounding by al kind of images and internet phenomenal. No matter where you are, any information pop up constantly, closing but disappear slowly, as well as the person feeling. The young generation used to receive or send out the information in an environment considered as convenient, and having the physical or virtual communication. Wu Hui-Chun, Tan Jui-Wen, Huang Yu-Chu and Liu Hsin Yi are facing the virtual and reality, travel between mystery environment which seems real but surreal. Meanwhile, all the creators artworks seems like hidden behind a layer of sheer, the meaning of IN which also stands for “ exist.. in between..”. Therefore, the concept of this exhibition “IN” is to present the young artist and the symbiotic and integrated relationship in the current society.
| 藝術家 Artists |
吳惠淳 Wu Hui-Chun
陳睿淵 Tan Jui-Wen
黃郁筑 Huang Yu-Chu
劉信義 Liu Hsin Yi
| 開幕茶會 Opening | 3.3 (Sat.) 3pm
| 展覽期間 Duration | 2018.3.3(Sat.) - 3.25(Sun.)
Time|13:00-19:00 (週一公休)
| 展覽地點 Venue | 亞億藝術空間