
居藝廊 G.Gallery

【IN BALANCE: Taiwan — Sicily】島嶼之間|臺灣 西西里文化藝術交流展

  • 展期

    日期:2018-11-10 ~ 2018-11-25

  • 地點

    居藝廊 G.Gallery

  • 參展藝術家

    姚瑞中 、吳政璋 、周慶輝 、劉星佑 、鈴木貴彥 、吳耿禎 、廖俊裕 、李吉祥 、Maria Lezhnina 、Antonio Sammartano 、Angelo Crazyone 、Arcangelo Favata 、Andrea Lombardo 、Igor Scalisi Palminteri 、Luca Mannino 、Mimmo Palmizi 、Max Robino

  • 【IN BALANCE : Taiwan—Sicily島嶼之間|臺灣 西西里文化藝術交流展】臺灣場是此巡迴展第三場也是最後一場展覽。首場展覽於今年7月在義大利 西西里島特拉帕尼李格尼塔展出,更於今年10月移師米蘭 博洛梅歐宮巡展,而最終選擇臺灣作為展覽的完美終站。



    The exhibition is the third and last installment of the traveling exhibition "IN BALANCE : Taiwan-Sicily," first opened in July 2018 at the Torre di Ligny, Trapani, Italy, and then in October 2018 at the Palazzo Borromeo, Milano, Italy, before to arrive in Taipei.

    The exhibition showcases a selection of artists from Taiwan and Sicilia, the work of which elaborates on different aspects of their culture and landscape of reference.

    By the means of this operation, the exhibition aims to spark social and cultural exchange between two different island cultures, and to raise a question concerning the island culture as such. Indeed, the exhibition understands island life as a form of resistance against the homogenization of globalization, a resistance that must be understood in its positive aspects for to improve and contribute to the life of contemporary societies across the world.


    IN BALANCE : Taiwan — Sicily
    島嶼之間|臺灣 西西里文化藝術交流展

    ■ 展期 DATES
    2018 / 11 / 10 (Sat.) —11 / 25 (Sun.)

    ■ 開幕 OPENING *憑邀請函入場 Invitation Only
    2018 / 11 / 10 (Sat.) 14:30 — 16:30
    華南銀行總行世貿大樓 大廳
    Lobby of Hua Nan Commercial Bank Corporate Plaza
    No.123, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei

    ■ 展出地點 VENUE
    華南銀行總行世貿大樓 大廳
    Lobby of Hua Nan Commercial Bank Corporate Plaza
    No.123, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei

    居藝廊 G.Gallery
    B1 , No.3, Aly. 3, Ln. 227, Nong’an St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei

    谷居 Gu Ju
    No.38, Ln.14, Sec.1,Dihua St. Datong Dist.,Taipei

    ■ 展出藝術家 ARTISTS
    姚瑞中 Yao Jui-Chung / 吳政璋 Wu Cheng-Chang / 周慶輝 Chou Ching-Hui / 劉星佑 Liu Hsing-Yu / 鈴木貴彥 Takahiko Suzuki / 吳耿禎 Jam Wu / 廖俊裕 Liao Chun-Yu / 李吉祥 Lee Chi-Hsiang / 馬麗利茲尼娜 Maria Lezhnina
    Angelo Crazyone / Arcangelo Favata / Andrea Lombardo / Igor Scalisi Palminteri / Luca Mannino / Mimmo Palmizi / Massimiliano Robino

    ■ 官方網站 WEBSITE

    策展人 CURATOR|Alessandro Martinelli / Max Robino / 房彥文 Yen-Wen Fang
    主辦單位 ORGANIZER|谷汩文化Group.G
    推廣單位 PROMOTER|Nicola Marinello (Ni-Ma.it), Italy

居藝廊臺灣西西里島嶼之間IN BALANCE


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日期:2025-03-22 ~ 2025-06-29|台灣,台中市

89 days left