【克里斯・蘇科 作品2012-2017】
日期:2018-11-17 ~ 2018-12-30
白石畫廊很榮幸地宣佈,我們將於2018年11月17日至12月30日舉辦德國藝術家克里斯·蘇科(Chris Succo)最新個展「克里斯·蘇科:作品 2012 - 2017」。此次個展,不僅是該藝術家首次於台北舉辦個展,也是繼白石畫廊香港H Queen’s新空間展覽後,第二次亞洲個展。
本次展出作品主要選自蘇科充分表現繪畫動勢與油彩質地的「白畫」系列(White Painting series)以及深受書寫與差異及重複概念影響的「鋸齒」繪畫(ZigZag Painting series)。本展延續以絹印拓至麻布,再以油彩噴濺其上的黑白拼貼系列作品。這些拼貼作品描繪剪自雜誌上的裸體、青年文化之慾望與意象的浮濫使用。同時,一系列具名「狂歡」系列(Binge Painting series)畫作也將在此次展覽亮相。這些畫作以厚重的油彩,兼用調色刀與畫筆創作,映現出清晨光線的感受。
展名|克里斯・蘇科 :作品2012-2017
展期|2018年11月17日 (六) – 12月30日 (日)
開幕|2018年11月17日 (六) 4-7 pm *藝術家將出席開幕
地點|白石畫廊 · 台北 內湖空間 〈台北市內湖區基湖路1號1樓〉
Whitestone Gallery is pleased to present Chris Succo: Works 2012 – 2017, the first solo show of the artist in Taipei and the second with the Gallery.
Chris Succo is known for his abstract paintings and his multi-faceted practice. He works in a wide range of media including photography, silk-screening, sculpture and installations. Often drawing upon autobiographical, art historical and cultural sources, Succo has created an oeuvre that is coherent while being remarkably diverse.
This exhibition the artist has selected works executed between 2012 and 2017 which will be shown together for the first time. The show features works from his “White Paintings” series, gestural oil paintings that reflect the act of painting and paint as material, as well as the duo-chromatic “ZigZag Paintings” which are influenced by writing and the idea of difference and repetition. The show continues with an untitled series of Silkscreen Paintings, black and white collages silk-screened onto linen and overworked with splashes of paint. These collages depict nudes cut out from magazines and reference the desires of youth culture and the excessive use of such imagery. Also on view will be the color-laden “Binge Paintings”, executed in thick oil paint, both with palette knife and brush, which reflect on the perception of early morning light.
In addition to the exhibition in the main room, a suite of seven recent paintings of night scenes are shown in the upstairs space. Painted with charcoal, flashe and oil directly onto glue primed linen these small scale, raw compositions have an intimate and mystic feel as if they´d been found in an abandoned garage. Playing with clichés of still lives, landscapes and portraits the paintings are the mixture of figurative elements, abstraction and immediacy that can be found throughout Chris Succo’s practice.
Title|Chris Succo: Works 2012 – 2017
Date|17th November - 30th December, 2018
Opening|17th November, 2018 4-7 pm *Artist will be present
Venue|Whitestone Gallery Taipei Neihu : 1/F, No.1, Jihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan
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