
日期:2019-02-22 ~ 2019-03-22
李燕華,2007年畢業於美國北伊利諾州立大學藝術碩士(MFA),現居台灣創作。作品於國內外有多次個展經驗,包含台灣、日本、德國、奧地利、義大利、阿根廷、墨西哥,加拿大、中國、英國及美國等,曾展出於美國達拉斯當代藝術中心、鶯歌陶瓷博物館、國立清華大學藝術中心、墨西哥查帕拉文化中心、澳門牛房倉庫、紐約臺北文化中心等,並曾獲得美國新澤西州 Studio Montclair Eleventh年度評審展首獎,美國密西根州諾斯維爾市諾斯維爾藝術中心首獎、美國艾奧瓦州Clarke學院首獎。作品獲國立台灣美術館、美國柯勒藝術中心、中國景德鎮中國陶瓷博物館等國內外機構典藏。
Searching for: spiritual home series - Solo Exhibition by Yen-Hua LEE
Artist|Yen-Hua LEE
Opening|2019/02/22(Fri.) 6:00pm
Galerie Grand Siècle is going to present the solo exhibition of artist Yen-Hua LEE “Searching for: spiritual home series.” The opening will be hold at 6pm on February 22, Friday. Yen-Hua LEE’s artworks mainly discuss memory of people toward time and space. She visualizes her own life experience and tries to arouse things people are looking for from deep inside. “Book Project”, a series she started in 2006, is a project using antique books as material, and then she combines the book text and her own visual images together; as if the two authors were confessing and listening to each other in a created special space. To her, both character and painting are carriers of author’s soul, mind, and memory. The intersection of two different carriers is what she’s looking for, and also where the interesting conversations are happened.
The “Home Project” which is ready to be displayed in Galerie Grand Siècle is the extension of her former work “Book Project”. The materials she chose have deep relation to her family experience and the surrounding she grow. Yen-Hua LEE taking painting and sculpture as basic concept. Taking silk to shown the spectrum of the light. At the same time combine her remarkable figure paintings, trying to discover the coordination of human being with the family when taking space to be as the platform of memory. On the other hand, applying the projection of light in order to reveal its’ unique visual effect of the multimedia devices, to show the classic memory. Yen-Hua LEE s’ work blurs the boundaries between sculpture and painting, the flat and the stereoscopic. With the new combination of the point, the line, and the surface, she creates the new possibility between the artwork and the space.
Yen-Hua LEE earned the MFA from Northern Illinois University in 2007, and currently lives in Taiwan. She has had many solo shows in domestic and foreign countries including Taiwan, China, Japan, Germany, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Argentina, Canada, Mexico and U.S.A. Her artworks has had been showcasing in Dallas Contemporary (Dallas USA), Yingge Ceramics Museum (Taiwan), National Tsing Hua University Art center (Taiwan), Centro cultural Antigua (Mexico), OX Warehouse, Macao Foundation (China), CYCU Art Center in Taiwan. Also, she has won many awards, including First Place at Studio Montclair 2008, First Place at Newark Arts Council’s Open Doors 08, First Place at West of Center Art House in Northville, Michigan; she has also been granted several art residency fellowships.