


  • 展期

    日期:2019-03-19 ~ 2019-04-15

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    墨夫.艾斯皮納 (Merv ESPINA、菲律賓)、葉紹斌 (YAP Sau-Bin、馬來西亞)、劉文棟(Alexander LAU、香港/紐約)、周安曼(Freya CHOU、香港/台灣)、鄧富權(TANG Fu-Kuen、新加坡/台灣)、袁志偉(YUEN Chee-Wai 、新加坡)、許芳慈(HSU Fang-Tze、台灣/新加坡)、維帕.布利貞農(Vipash PURICHANONT 、泰國)

  • 當代策展的新挑戰―國際論壇暨青年策展工作坊

    ▶ 青年策展工作坊|公開徵選工作坊學員

    國家文化藝術基金會與臺北市立美術館今年(2019)將共同主辦「CIT19: 當代策展的新挑戰──國際論壇暨青年策展工作坊」(Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops)。本計畫是由立方計劃空間策劃,將透過國際論壇與工作坊雙軌並行的方式,對應當代策展多元化的操作方式,創造國際性對話和交流平台。為使之發揮最大效益,主辦單位國藝會與北美館將主動與台灣不同藝術館所、藝術學院、策展專業者合作,並藉由各方資源的整合,在館所與專業教學經驗的基礎上開啟深度連結,並以此提供更多年輕策展人參與的機會。
    國際論壇將以「當代策展的亞洲語境及其超越」(Contemporary Curating Rethink: In the Context of Asia and Beyond)為主題,於2019年10月11日至13日舉行,為期三天,詳細活動及內容將另行公佈。

    ▶ CIT19宗旨



    ▶▶ 青年策展工作坊資訊

    青年策展工作坊共邀請 12 位講師,每場都由兩位來自台灣或國外的講師帶領,一起設計四小時的課程,透過具實驗性的方法和討論,展開對當代策展研究、實踐的多元觀點。講師簡介請見:http://curatorsintensive.tw/lecturers.php

    講師:墨夫.艾斯皮納 (Merv ESPINA,菲律賓)、葉紹斌 (YAP Sau-Bin,馬來西亞)

    講師:劉文棟(Alexander LAU,香港/紐約)、周安曼(Freya CHOU,香港/台灣)

    講師:鄧富權(TANG Fu-Kuen,新加坡/台灣)、袁志偉(YUEN Chee-Wai ,新加坡)

    講師:許芳慈(HSU Fang-Tze,台灣/新加坡)、維帕.布利貞農(Vipash PURICHANONT ,泰國)



    * 工作坊課程全程以英語進行。
    * 如遇日期或場地變動,將另行通知。

    ▶▶ 公開徵選

    [名額] 工作坊學員名額上限 25 名,其中 15 名由藝術院校及專業機構推薦,另外 10 位名額則經公開徵選。

    (1) 年滿 20 歲(1999年4月16日之前出生者)
    (2) 具 2 年以上專業策展工作相關經驗(請於申請表格中列舉)
    (3) 流利的英語溝通能力

    [費用] 工作坊參與者無需繳交費用,惟需自行負擔交通、住宿及保險等開支。

    ▶▶ 簡章公告網頁:http://curatorsintensive.tw
    ▶▶ 線上申請網址:https://thecube.tw/cit19form

    [申請截止日] 2019年4月15日

    (1) 基本個人資料
    (2) 申請提案:包括參加本工作坊之動機,及自身對策展的想法(過去策展關照面向/研究主題/範疇),需提交 500 字以內的英文,以及 1000 字以內的中文。
    (3) 學經歷、履歷及相關的工作經驗:中英文,各不超過一頁A4為限。
    (4) 參與場次:請於報名表中勾選能夠參與的場次,能夠全程參與者將優先入選。

    (1) 未來策展計畫提案:可以是一份假設性的提案,英文 500 字以內,需包含展題、策展概念、參展藝術家及展示構想。
    (2) 其他推薦信或相關參考文件

    * 徵選結果將於2019年四月底公佈於官方網頁,並個別通知入選者。
    * 聯繫信箱 cit19@thecube.tw (賴曉瑩小姐)


    工作坊策劃協力|台北教育大學 當代藝術評論與策展研究全英語碩士學位學程


    Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops

    ▶ Emerging Curators’ Workshops - Open Call for Applications

    The National Culture and Arts Foundation and the Taipei Fine Arts Museum will co-organize the Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19 this year. Programmed by TheCube Project Space, the CIT19 will proceed in a two-pronged fashion—international conference and workshops, insofar as to echo the diversification of contemporary curatorial approaches and forge a platform for international dialogue and exchange. To maximize the CIT19’s potential, the organizers will collaborate closely with art museums, galleries, academies and curators in Taiwan, providing young curators with great opportunities by means of resource pooling and on the basis of pioneers’ expertise and extensive experience.
    The international conference will be preceded by a concatenation of curators’ workshops scheduled in May and June 2019. Art practitioners/curators par excellence (incl. institutional curators, independent curators and researchers from performing arts, visual arts, commercial galleries and non-profit independent spaces) from Taiwan and abroad are invited to lead these workshops, in which the participants can learn, cogitate and put their ideas into practice through the group interaction and pluralistic dialogue that these workshops afford. We positively welcome applications from all young people who aspire to be a professional curator of contemporary art. The workshops will be hosted by the Museum of National Taipei University of Education and co-programmed by the Master’s Program in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art, National Taipei University of Education.
    Titled Contemporary Curating Rethink: In the Context of Asia and Beyond, the three-day international conference will take place from 11 to 13 October 2019. Details about the events and contents will be released at a later date.

    ▶ Objectives of the CIT19

    As a platform established by the ARTWAVE─Taiwan International Arts Network (an active agent for the National Culture and Arts Foundation), the Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops (CIT19) accentuates the profession of curating contemporary art, seeking to encourage international dialogue and build up a strong network of art practitioners from the four corners of the world, so as to get the curatorial education into a state of greater profoundness.
    In the 20 years’ root-taking and thriving development of the curatorial studies in Taiwan, the Taipei Fine Arts Museum has been a bellwether of curatorial experimentation and incubation. The museum’s endeavor to construct Taiwan’s history of curating and the system of curatorial knowledge has manifested itself in many major events and projects it orchestrated, such as the Taipei Biennial since 1998, the Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, the experimental collection exhibitions in recent years, and the open call for curatorial proposals.
    Centering on Taiwan’s cultural heritage, geographical location and historical background, the CIT19 will not only explore the history and methodology of curating as well as the role and responsibility of a curator within the Asian context, but also stimulate reflections on how “curating,” while simultaneously in researchful, exhibitional and pedagogical roles, can lay out brand new contexts as effective as creative in face of the trends towards cross-cultural fusion and exhibition-based educational turn.

    ▶▶ Emerging Curators’ Workshops

    The six workshops feature a total of twelve lecturers from Taiwan and abroad. Each workshop will be led by two lecturers and last for four hours. The participants of these workshops will bring up their views about the studies and practice of contemporary curating for in-depth discussion in experimental ways.

    18 May, 2019(Saturday)
    Lecturers: Merv ESPINA (Philippines), YAP Sau-Bin (Malaysia)
    Venue: MoNTUE’s auditorium on the ground floor

    25 May, 2019(Saturday)
    Lecturers: Alexander LAU (Hong Kong/New York), Freya CHOU (Hong Kong/Taiwan)
    Venue: MoNTUE’s auditorium on the ground floor

    1 June, 2019(Saturday)
    Lecturers: TANG Fu-Kuen (Singapore/Taiwan), YUEN Chee-Wai (Singapore)
    Venue: MoNTUE’s auditorium on the ground floor

    8 June, 2019(Saturday)
    Lecturers: HSU Fang-Tze (Taiwan/Singapore), Vipash PURICHANONT (Thailand)
    Venue: MoNTUE’s auditorium on the ground floor

    10 October, 2019(Thursday)
    Lecturers: TBC
    Venue: MoNTUE’s auditorium on the ground floor

    14 October, 2019(Monday)
    Lecturers: TBC
    Venue: TFAM’s Art Library in the basement

    * The workshops will be held on these dates and at these venues until further notice.
    * These workshops will be conducted in English.

    ▶▶ Open Call

    [Number of Places] The number of places available for the workshops is 25 (15 recommended by art academies and institutions; 10 admitted through selection).

    [Language] These workshops will be conducted in English. Fluency in English is required.

    (1) Aged twenty or over (born before 16 April 1999).
    (2) At least two years’ experience of curating or relevant expertise (please enumerate your work experience in the application form.)
    (3) Good communication skills in English

    [Charge] These workshops do not charge for the participants, but the cost of individual transportation, accommodation and insurance shall be covered by the participants at their own expense.

    ▶▶ Application:

    All applications should be made online. Those by post will be rejected. Please complete the application form on the following website: https://thecube.tw/cit19form

    [Deadline] 15 April, 2019 Before 23:59

    [Documents] (Please submit them online)

    (1) Profile
    (2) Proposal: The proposal should contain the applicant’s motive of participation and opinion on curating (incl. the focus/subject/scope of the applicant’s past curatorial practice); maximum 500 words in English AND 1,000 words in Chinese.
    (3) Maximum a one-page (A4) résumé in English AND Chinese
    (4) Attendance: Please simply check the boxes on the application form. Those who are able to partake in all the six workshops will be given top priority in the selection.

    (1) A (hypothetical) curatorial proposal containing the exhibition title, curatorial philosophy, names of participating artists and installation design; maximum 500 words in English
    (2) Letters of recommendation or other relevant documents

    * The result of selection will be announced on the official website at the end of this April, and the selected applicants will be given notice respectively.
    * Contact: cit19@thecube.tw (coordinator: LAI Hsiao-Ying)

    Organizer | National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taipei Fine Arts Museum
    Programming and Coordination | TheCube Project Space

    Workshop Organizer | Museum of National Taipei University of Education (MoNTUE)
    Workshop Co-programming | Master’s Program in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art, National Taipei University of Education



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