
誠品畫廊 Eslite Gallery

【 2019 香港巴塞爾藝術展|展位 1D12 】劉小東個展

  • 展期

    日期:2019-03-29 ~ 2019-03-31

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 【預告丨誠品畫廊參展香港巴塞爾藝術展】



    For Art Basel Hong Kong 2019, ESLITE GALLERY is pleased to present a booth dedicated to China’s foremost contemporary artist LIU Xiaodong, featuring nearly 30 canvas works, watercolors, print series and works on paper made over the last decade. One highlight are the new canvas works that Liu painted specifically for this occasion. These works drew inspiration from the basic necessities of life as testimonial to the artist’s fondness for life’s simple blessings. Alongside the delightful paintings are Liu’s larger works imbued with social implications from previous projects.

    ■Art Basel HK: Liu Xiaodong Solo Exhibition
    ■ESLITE GALLERY Booth: 1D12
    ■Date: March 29—31, 2019
    ■Venue: Convention & Exhibition Centre丨1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China

劉小東個展人像香港巴塞爾藝術展2019 Art Basel HK


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【Name of Hikari 光的名字】大岡弘晃 個展

日期:2025-03-29 ~ 2025-04-20|台灣,台中市

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伊日藝術計劃 YIRI ARTS


日期:2025-03-20 ~ 2025-04-12|台灣,台北市

22 days left



日期:2025-03-20 ~ 2025-04-12|台灣,台北市

22 days left