日期:2019-04-19 ~ 2019-06-30
Giloo 紀實影音團隊
Video On Demand(VOD,隨選視訊)這個概念與商業模式在 90 年代網際網路新創公司熱的時代首次浮現。2010 前後,隨著全世界網路基礎建設的頻寬與覆蓋率大幅提升,正式成為顛覆影視產業的力量。這個產業正進入短兵相接的競爭,未來勝出的玩家與和縱連橫的樣貌或許無人能知,但對使用者來說,「隨選」——這個宣稱將選擇權交付給每一位使用者的技術與因應的商業模式,已是進行中的未來。
但建置一個影音內容得以「被隨選」的基礎建設需求是哪些?如果說「媒體即訊息」,VOD 與串流(Streaming)媒體所傳遞的訊息是什麼?2018 年,一個專為紀實影像與藝術電影消費族群服務的平台: Giloo 紀實影音,在台灣誕生,採取訂閱式的商業模式(Subscription VOD)且快速受到歡迎。Giloo 團隊受邀透過這次展覽,將以自己為範例,揭開隨選串流技術的黑盒子。
一部電影是如何獲得「被隨選」的能力?在 Giloo 的網站與 App 上,每部電影有一個屬於自己的「單頁」,這個視覺化了的單頁真正的骨肉是什麼?而整個電影資料庫的分類意義是?每部電影同時在雲端儲存服務的機房裡以多個分身存在(因應不同網路傳輸速度需求,提供不同畫質的檔案),是如何與商業模式嫁接(訂閱),並以怎樣的技術手段來到各位的電腦與手機畫面的?這個展覽的內容便是環繞著這些問題。
The concept and business model of Video on Demand (VOD) first emerged during the wave of Internet startups in the 1990s. Around 2010, as bandwidth and coverage of global network infrastructures were greatly improved, VOD officially became a force that revolutionized the film and TV industry. This industry has now entered an age of fierce competition, and although we have no idea who is going to emerge as the winner or how the industry will turn out to be in the future, to users, “on demand”—this technology and corresponding business model that claim to turn the right of choice over to each and every user, is an imminent future.
However, what are the requirements for the establishment of infrastructures where audio and video contents can be “accessed on demand?” If “the medium is the message,” then what are the messages conveyed by VOD and streaming media? In 2018, a platform that aimed to serve the consumers and audiences of documentaries and art films—Giloo Inc.—was born in Taiwan; it adopts the business model of subscription VOD, and has quickly gained popularity. Giloo Inc. Team is invited to use itself as the example to decode the black box of VOD and streaming technology through this exhibition.
How does a movie become available for “on demand?” On Giloo website and App, each movie has its own “page,” what are the flesh and bone of this visualized page? What is the meaning of classification of the entire film database? How many alternatives does a movie have simultaneously in the mainframe of cloud storage service (files of different resolutions are provided in response to different network speeds), how does it link with the business model (subscription), and through what technological means does it reach the screens of your laptop and mobile phone? The content of this exhibition focuses on these issues.
Giloo 紀實影音團隊
Giloo Inc. Team
Giloo 的命名,來自於閩南語「紀錄」的發音。
Giloo 紀實影音的創立初衷是打造專屬於紀實與獨立影像的串流與社群平台。我們相信說故事的力量,但現有的生態系統對這樣的內容並不友善。如何從生產、觀看、流通與傳播等各個面向加大力道,是 Giloo 紀實影音所有企劃與產品的核心提問。
不需要考慮戲院時間、不需要考慮觀影姿勢。不同於戲院大廳,在自家的螢幕上串流觀看,是在建築與佈置自身與世界相互溝通的空間。世界各地的導演們與製作團隊去到了遙遠的地方,挖掘了深刻的心靈,這些片子是他們帶給我們的努力結果。每週給自己一部片的時間,Giloo 相信紀實影像會改變各位。而正因為這些故事來自於世界,有了你們的觀看,世界也必將因此改變。
Giloo believes in the power of documentary and non-fiction storytelling. At the core of everything we do at Giloo, our goal is to drive the production, audience, circulation and promotion of great stories and experiments from partners and filmmakers around the world. We envision a platform where the curious will be able to connect with realities, one story at a time. Giloo is the international community where we reflect and contemplate on issues and affairs, provoke our own thinking, and learn from each other.
Visit us at http://giloo.ist
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