【葉方 Reinhard Blank 雙個展】
日期:2019-08-05 ~ 2019-09-02
Palazzo Albrizzi Venezia
葉方、Reinhard Blank
一把宇宙的琴弦 ‘
宇宙的生命容顏 ‘ 包含了大自然的[生] [息] ‘
生息之間環扣著人類的心靈軌跡 ‘ 生命的歸宿與源起 ‘
都是我創作的思維 ‘ 借著自我軸心的一種語境呈現 ‘ ‘
隱喻的 ‘ 純粹的 ‘ 沉醉在時間與空間多重維度的交疊裡 ‘
在時間的移動中 ‘ 隨著多變的世界頻率 ‘ 萬象的節奏 ‘
在交錯 ‘ 轉移 ‘ 重構之間 ‘ 放射著對生命的感知與反思 ‘
彷若一把宇宙的琴弦 ‘ 撥動著 ‘ 迴盪著浩渺的聲波音頻 ‘
人類如此渺渺 ‘ 若浩瀚寰宇之微塵 ‘
宇宙在時針分針秒針裡 ‘ 邏輯的旋轉著 ‘
同時也在星空中對話著人類心緒內在靈魂的密碼 ‘
在日月推移 ‘ 陰晴圓缺的輪迴中 ‘
從生到死從有到無 ‘ 即終即始無止境的運行著
2019. 3. 11
Like a Lyre of the Universe
That Plays the Melodies of Creation and Death in the Firmament
Life in the universe embraces creation and death in nature
Life cycle traces out the development of human mind—the home and origin of life.
This is the starting point of my creations—on the axis of ego my artistic articulation revolves. Metaphorically and purely, I indulge in the world of multi-dimensional time and space. As time moves forwards, the rhythm of beings modulates with the changing frequencies of the world. Transference and reconstruction interlace to bring about realization and reflection on life, resembling a lyre of the universe on which the strings are plucked and resonate at eternal frequencies. Human beings are so infinitesimal as dust in the infinite cosmos. The universe rotates rationally as time ticks by. And amid the starry night sky, a conversation that delineates the cosmos of human soul and mind takes place. Night succeeds day; the moon shines or dims, waxes or wanes. Creation leads to death and death is the starting point of creation—continues the cycle of creation and death as well as the rotation of being and nothingness.
March 11, 2019
Yeh Fang at Juan Yun Studio, Taipei
Executive Director : Nevia Capello
Curator : 蕭瓊瑞、Luchia Meihua Lee
【葉方 Reinhard Blank 雙個展】
Italian-German Cultural Association in Venice
Opening ceremony : 2019 August 10 at 5pm
Palazzo Albrizzi Venezia
Associatione Culturale Italo-Tedesca Venezia Palazzo Albrizzi, Cannaregio 4118
view all【器與獸 Vessels and Beasts & 水庭的靈息 The Breath of Water Garden】丁有彧、簡詩如雙個展
日期:2024-11-16 ~ 2024-12-22|台灣,苗栗縣
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