

【TRAVELS OF THE MIND】張婉琳、Luke M. Walker 雙個展

  • 展期

    日期:2019-10-26 ~ 2019-11-23

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    張婉琳、Luke M. Walker




    在此展覽裡,張婉琳與Luke M. Walker將探索城市的樣貌、記憶裡的模糊角落、偶然的相遇與隱藏的符碼,並著眼於一個城市是如何被彼此的共感經驗所組成與遺忘。此共感經驗融合著這片土地裡成千上萬的共居者。



    Travels of the Mind
    In Italo Calvino’s seminal text ‘Invisible Cities’ his character Marco Polo describes a myriad of places through series of categories; signs, memories, desires and demonstrates how a sense of place can be interpreted.

    ‘Those that through the years and the changes continue to give their form to desires, and those in which desires either erase the city or are erased by it.’_*

    In this Exhibition Chang and Walker will explore the idea of the city, the half-remembered corners, the chance meetings, the hidden notes. They are interested in the shared experiences, dreams and forgotten stories that make a city what it is.A shared understanding of what it means to live together, with hundreds, thousands or even millions of others.

    The artists both have a background in Spatial Design and share a love for the city, traveling across the world on visits to particular places they have read and dreamed about. A search for meaning and understanding through sketching, painting and exploring has been a key driver to their practices. They hope through this show to question the boundaries between memory and experience to create new interpretations and to give a unique insight into a city through the eyes of artists.

    ‘Your cities don’t exist. Perhaps they have never existed. It is sure they will never exist again. Why do you amuse yourself with consolatory fables’_*

    *_ 原文出自《Le città invisibili》,Italo Calvino;中文版本《看不見的城市》,王志弘譯;英文版《Invisible Cities》,William Weaver譯。

    ——— 參展藝術家 ———

    張婉琳出生於臺灣,在多樣的倫敦探索著中西文化的融合,並在回到台中後持續不懈的創作著。她透過繪畫探訪日常組成的記憶與碎片,並且藉此思索虛與實之間的關係。 她的作品曾於倫敦皇家地理協會展出,而書本切割的立體作品入選並展於 The open west exhibition,並於倫敦、Cheltenham 與香港展出。她致力於水彩繪畫的教學,分享她日常的看見,同時也是大型金屬創作的雕塑家與大學的講師。

    Luke M. Walker 以倫敦為基地,目前專注於藝術創作,同時也是關注環境議題的藝術團體 Wilderness Art Collective 的協同創辦人。他的藝術實踐是對於場所,材質與創作過程的一種探索,並且持續以步行的方式,尋訪繞行在他的城市以及更遠的地方。自2011年以來,Luke 開始在英國各地展出他的創作。今年,他的作品在主要策展人 Jock McFayden 的推薦下,入選 Royal Academy 夏季展的主廳。


    ZASSO 72 Gallery{ZASSO草也的二樓}
    Tuesday ~Sunday : 11~20
    Closed on Monday.

草也張婉琳旅行Luke M. WalkerGALLERY


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