【祝你有美好的一天-黃海欣個展】Have A Good Day Huang Hai Hsin Solo Exhibition

日期:2020-02-08 ~ 2020-03-28
黃海欣作品取材自日常生活情境,藉由簡潔有力的筆觸,敏銳地勾勒出芸芸眾生中,各式小人物的生存場景。展名「祝你有美好的一天」來自藝術家長年旅居美國紐約的經驗與感觸,生活中常常使用的問候語-Have A Good Day,不失禮貌卻非真心,藝術家將此複雜而矛盾的情感,通過粗略梗概的圖像結合獨特的幽默感,紀錄了社會中的荒謬、恐懼不安、寂寞以及光怪陸離等現象。對黃海欣而言,生命中大部分的面向幾乎是怪異、彆扭、可笑與沒有意義的綜合體,特別是社群媒體盛行的今日,人們經由網路認識世界與吸收新知,卻時常被混淆於真假訊息中。
本次展出作品包括全新創作「動物園」系列,以一連串動物園區組所成:野生動物非洲獅區、台灣獼猴區、非洲侏儒羊區,以及可愛動物無尾熊區等。在面對各種不同動物的展示區,觀者所看到的卻是孤零零的欄杆及空蕩蕩的展廳,不見任何一隻動物。藝術家透過畫筆,真實地展露人們去動物園的失望經驗,精準地描繪內心的不安與疏離,如學術研究者簡子傑所述:「我們就跟來到動物園卻什麼動物也沒看到的觀眾沒兩樣,這是一種已成習慣的期待落空,但也是在這種落空是偏向放棄的心理狀態中出現了縫隙,這裡的縫隙一方面成為區隔著人與動物的界線,卻也是我們與藝術之間的縫隙 」。在黃海新作品中,不論是對各種現狀的椰榆,或是無法透過理想與邏輯探索的荒蕪意境,皆可感受藝術家試圖強調生命中美麗與荒誕的片刻與人類的脆弱。
“As part of a generation marked by hedonism, people seem to know more but feel less. Catastrophes become assumptions; people practice suffering with laughter.” –Huang Hai-Hsin
Double Square Gallery is pleased to present New York-based artist Huang Hai-Hsin’s solo exhibition, Have a Good Day, from February 8 to March 28, 2020. Huang is known for combining ordinary scenarios, photojournalistic composition and unadorned brushstrokes to create seemingly absurd yet truthful interpretation of the inner state and psychological landscape of modern people. For the artist’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, we have specially invited art critic and scholar Jian Tzu-Chieh to serve as the academic chair. The exhibition features twenty-eight artworks in total, with fifteen new paintings created within the last couple of years and one video installation, bringing the audience a comprehensive presentation of Huang’s recent observation of a wide spectrum of characters and their behaviors.
Huang’s work is inspired by situations and activities found in the quotidian life, from which she employs simple yet strong brushstrokes to keenly depict the survival of common people in their everyday life. The exhibition title, “Have a good day,” originates from the artist’s personal experience and realization of living in New York for years. The customary greeting conforms to etiquette yet conveys no genuine feelings. The artist transforms this complex, contradictory feeling through her uncomplicated, rough images infused with a unique sense of humor, and documents ludicrous, unnerving, lonely and bizarre social scenes and phenomena that she has observed. For Huang, life is mostly consisted of strange, awkward, laughable and meaningless moments; and it is especially so in the present day when social media flourish and people only learn about the world and receive new information via the internet, in which they are oftentimes lost in false information.
A newly created series, Zoo, is on view in the exhibition, which comprises of various areas for different animal species, including African lion and wild animal area, Formosan monkey area, African pygmy goat area, and the area of koalas and other friendly animals. However, instead of the animals in these specified areas, the audience only see cold fences and empty spaces whereas the animals are all absent. With her brush, Huang truthfully lays bare the disappointment-filled experience of visiting zoos and precisely delineates modern people’s anxieties and aloofness. As it is stated by Jian Tzu-Chieh, “we are like the visitors that see no animals in the zoo; and we seem to have grown accustomed to this disappointment. However, it is also in this psychological state of disappointment, bordering on giving up, that a crevice emerges—the crevice that serves as the boundary that separated humans and animals as well as us and art.” In Huang’s new works, we can perceive her emphasis on the beautiful and absurd moments in life as well as the fragility of humans—whether it is in her mocking of varying living situations or the desolate scenes incomprehensible to rational mind and logical contemplation.
Huang Hai-Hsin was born in Taipei in 1984. She received her BFA from the National Taipei University of Education in 2007 and her MFA from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2009. She now lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She is the recipient of Honorable Mention in the 2011 Taipei Art Awards. In recent years, she has held solo exhibitions in Art Basel Hong Kong, Capsule Shanghai, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig in Germany, and ISE Cultural Foundation in New York. Her works have been showcased in Taipei, Kaohsiung, Tokyo, Seoul, Leipzig, Paris, New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Israel and Kyoto, and are included in various art collections, such as Australia’s White Rabbit Gallery, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, UBS Culture Foundation and Taipei’s Yageo Foundation.
Jian Tzu-Chieh was born in 1974. He holds a PhD in Art Creation and Theory from the Tainan National University of the Arts, and is currently a faculty member of the Department of Fine Arts, National Kaohsiung Normal University. Jian was an observer and nominator for the 14th and 15th Taishin Arts Award and a juror for the 2017 Taipei Art Awards. He has curated innumerous exhibitions, including Missing Key Piano: Solo Exhibition by Leo Liu at IT Park, I Hope to Stroll the Island and Gaze Upon It with Sheer Sensibility: Lien Chien Hsing's Desolate Magic at Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art, New York Travel Program at Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Everyday Thomassons at Double Square Gallery, etc.