【清光入徑-新銳藝術家聯展】Casting New Light: New Artists Group Exhibition
Casting New Light: New Artists Group Exhibition
▌開幕茶會暨藝術家導覽 Opening Reception and Artist Tour 02/29 (六) 14:30
展出藝術家 Artists|温孟瑜 Wen Meng-Yu、陳睿淵 Tan Jui-Wen、謝衡 Hsieh Heng、鄭晰文 Mable Cheng
展覽日期Exhibition Date|2020/02/29 (六) - 05/31(日)
展覽時間Exhibition Time|週二至週日11:30-20:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
展覽地點Exhibition Venue|大雋藝術(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C) )
「真正的探索之旅不在於尋找新風景,而是擁有新眼光。」-法國作家馬塞爾.普魯斯特(Marcel Proust)
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” - French author Marcel Proust
As we move into the second month of the lunar calendar, Rich Art’s first exhibition of the new year will be showcasing four up-and-coming artists: Wen Meng-Yu, Tan Jui-Wen, Hsieh Heng, and Mable Cheng. The four artists glance out onto our contemporary times and transform their observations of life and nature into inner understandings, proposing new and independent aesthetic perspectives that are integrated into their works. The energy of these works seems to cast new light onto the beautiful spring scenery. We invite you to enjoy the works and join us in leisurely conversations.
#温孟瑜 的創作關注在生活中細微的情感變化,傳達與周遭的空間、時間、記憶的密切連結。透過扁平化、平面化的畫面處理回歸敘事的單純,具摩登風格的色彩引領觀者感受畫面中流動的豐沛情感,以近似安靜的口吻,緩緩地述說它們的故事。
Wen Meng-Yu’s works center around the subtle emotional shifts in daily life, hinting to the richness of the artist’s daily life and its close connection with the surrounding space, time, and memory. The two-dimensional, graphic approach to the images simplifies the work to its narrative while the modern color arrangements guide viewers into immersing themselves into rich, flowing emotions, which seem to be telling their stories in a quiet, slow tone.
#陳睿淵 此次發表的系列作品靈感來自於旅行,其中包含回到家鄉馬來西亞半島南端公路旅行時的見聞、遠眺的海景及採石場開鑿出來的湛藍湖泊,這些看似自然的景色,透露著深刻的人為痕跡。藝術家的細膩筆觸帶出優雅清靜的視覺感受,帶領觀者遁入美麗境界。
Tan Jui-Wen' s new series is inspired by the artist’s travels, including the sights of the southern highway when the artist returned to Peninsular Malaysia, the seascape that the artist saw while standing on the most southern spot of the Eurasia continent. These sceneries may seem natural, but all show signs of artificial intervention. The view of the vast lake is portrayed by the delicate brushstrokes of the artist, emitting a sense of elegance and serenity, guiding the viewer into a beautiful world.
#謝衡 將立體雕塑植入中國筆墨皴法,以雕刻刀在木材質上劈裂仿造自然的崩裂狀態,並使用刀法的收放及深度的搭配去挪配觀者的視覺焦點,呈現中國繪畫虛實交錯的特質,築構成一件需要移動環視的山水雕刻作品,觀者彷彿可以感受到與自然無聲寧靜的心靈對話。
Hsieh Heng’s works are inspired by his own culture, and the displays showcased in this exhibition integrate the Chinese Wrinkled Texture Method with three-dimensional sculptures, using the carving knife to create natural-looking cracks in the wood. At the same time, the carving techniques and depths are arranged to alter the viewer’s perspective. The viewer reaches an inner stillness when looking at the mountains and engages in an intimate, serene spiritual dialogue with nature.
#鄭晰文 建構出看似優雅且秩序的平靜世界,置身多彩華麗畫面中的角色渴望著自由的空氣,並時刻思索著框架外是否有更好的去向?藝術家藉此鼓勵自己與觀者,要勇於面對一切挑戰,輕柔的身影或許在過程中歷經風霜,但解脫後將是一番美好人生新風景,伴著清風引領我們繼續向前行…
Mable Cheng constructs a world that appears to be filled with grace and order. The characters within colorful and glamorous settings crave the air of freedom and constantly wonder whether there is a better place outside the borders. The artist encourages herself and viewers to confront challenges with courage; although the frail body may face turmoil, what awaits is a new and beautiful life scenery, guiding us to continue to move forward.
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