


  • 展期

    日期:2020-04-18 ~ 2020-07-12

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    Jude Anogwih、Palash Bhattacharjee、Adebukola Buki Bodunrin、Rahima Gambo、Jeremiah “Jere” Ikongio、Ayomide Kalejaiye、Lin Shu Kai 林書楷、Liu Yu 劉玗、Moe Satt 、Nyancho NwaNri 、Obinna Okerekeocha 、Wu Chi Yu 吳其育

  • 海洋與詮釋者

    The Oceans and the Interpreters
    Interpreters’ Screening: The Deep City

    「海洋與詮釋者」是從2020年起,一系列沿著「南方國家」而發展的計畫,結合了展覽、駐村研究、放映以及書寫,企圖重新理解南方觀點下的全球圖景。《詮釋者》(The Interpreters)是奈及利亞作家索因卡(Wole Soyinka)的作品,內容描述不同職業背景的歸國留學生如何重新看待這座新興的國家。小說中的角色們也發現到他們觀看家鄉的角度,已經和童年時的經驗產生了衝突。

    此次放映計畫「深邃之城」,特邀請位於奈國拉哥斯的「拉哥斯錄像藝術網絡」(Video Art Network Lagos)共同策展。透過與該組織的兩位策展人合作,邀請了10位以奈國為主的非洲藝術家及8位亞洲藝術家,分為三個檔期來展出共21件作品。巨大、混雜、深不可測的城市似乎已是「南方國家」的共同景觀,此次展出的作品探索城市中的噪音、廢墟、人群、垃圾以及建構於其上的文明,自然而然地構成了一種特殊的狂想曲,並顯現出某種跨越洲際的共通語言。

    “The Oceans and the Interpreters”, are the series projects, started from 2020, which focus on “the global south”. “The Oceans and the Interpreters” across various forms, include exhibition, residency, research, screening and writing, which aim to rethink the global perspective of the South. “The Interpreters”, by Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka, depicted the oversea students from different backgrounds, and how they interact with their new founded federal state after they returned home. The novel shows us how these characters deal with their internal conflict, between the globalized newly view point and childhood memories.

    “The Deep City”, as the screening project of “The Oceans and the Interpreters”, invited Video Art Network Lagos (VAN Lagos), Nigeria, as our curatorial co-organizer. The 3 curators: Jude Anogwih, Oyinda Fakeye, and Nobuo Takamori, invited 10 African artists, mainly Nigerian, and 8 Asian artists for participate this program. 21 works will be representing during 3 different phases. The giant, confused, deep, and unpredictable cities, as visual landscape of “the global south”, for respond it, the works of “The Deep City” will explore noisy sounds, ruins, crowd, litters, and the civilizations of the cities. These elements will be composed together as a unique fantasy, and re-interpreting the inter-continental visual language.

    策展人 Curators
    Jude Anogwih
    Oyinda Fakeye
    Takamori Nobuo 高森信男

    ◉鳳甲美術館FB www.facebook.com/HongGahMuseum/

    主辦單位 Organizers:
    鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
    財團法人邱再興文教基金會 Chew’s Culture Foundation
    Video Art Network Lagos

    贊助單位 Sponsors:
    財團法人國家文化基金會 National Culture & Arts Foundation
    東和鋼鐵企業股份有限公司 Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp.



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【法音清流: 陳世宗個展】

日期:2024-11-16 ~ 2025-01-12|台灣,台北市

31 days left



日期:2024-09-21 ~ 2024-11-03|台灣,台北市