日期:2020-05-15 ~ 2020-05-23
|ECHOCULAR - Chih An Solo Exhibition|
展期| 5/15(Fri.)- 5/23(Sat.)
開放時間|每週三Wed. - 週日Sun. PM13:00 ~ 20:00
地點|新樂園藝術空間Shin Len Yuan Art Space
與談人|陳銘、高千惠、裘安‧蒲梅爾(Joan Pomero)
5/16(Sat.) PM1:00-2:00
▌與談人導覽:高千惠、裘安Joan Pomero
「移覺」是⼀種靈魂通達的默契。然⽽,當真實⾝體與虛擬⾝體的界限越發模糊,意識之於 載體或空間中,⼜該如何轉換?如何溝通?甚⾄,如何對話?
「Echocular」取「echo」與「ocular」的混成詞,代表感官的轉移,及其所造成的反響。 就物理學⽽⾔,⼈體若要感受回⾳,在溫度條件穩定的狀態下,則需要17公尺以上的封閉 「空間」。⽽當感官在物體與物體之間迴盪,感覺與意識也不斷因爲這種狀態⽽萌芽、變 化,彷彿交互⼒場,似乎其中也存有「空間」。
佛教有所謂「八識」、「九識」的說法,是從感官乃⾄於意識,從意識乃⾄於更⾼層次的精 神內涵。當我們以真實/虛擬⾝體進入真實/虛擬世界中,以真實/虛擬⾝體作為⼀種載體,⽤ 感官去感受外部刺激,並化為容器去吸納各種感覺,造過化學反應、調和、融合。以這個觀 點出發,「載體」本⾝是否存在「⾃有的空間」?⼜,載體之間的交流,是載體的對話,抑 或是「空間」的「共鳴」?是載體構成空間?還是空間構成載體?
因為載體所存有的空間不斷在變形,感覺與意識亦不斷在變形。⼀切時⽽清晰,時⽽模糊; 時⽽浮現,時⽽隱匿 ; ⼀時穩定,⼜⼀時失控。甚⾄,彼此之間交流不良,⽽無法通路,以⾄絕緣。
這些並⾏於空間與空間、載體與載體之間的狀態,就稱為「灰⾊空間」。⼀如⼩說與遊戲中 亞空間(Sub-space)的世界觀:作為真實世界與虛擬世界中,外在世界(載體/表象)與內在世 界(空間/意識)中的抗阻,既存在⼜不存在。若兩個空間無法滲透、打破,在絕緣的狀態中, 載體就會載浮載沉。
在沒有聯集,沒有交集,沒有異同;難以連結、難以鍵結、難以傳遞之下。交流,唯有以形 體或狀態的表象,透過意識與感應,被碰撞的灰⾊空間有時遭逢打磨,擦出火花—— 或許 燎原,或許只是轉瞬的⼀抹星芒,或許造成痕跡,暫留了下來。但終於,也許能化為風景。
■About exhibition
“Synaesthesia” is a kind of mutual understanding among minds and senses. However, since the boundaries between real and virtual bodies become blurred, how do we convert our senses within carriers or space, how to communicate them, or, even more so, how to engage in a dialogue?
“Echocular” is a compound word of “echo” and “ocular,” which means the transfer of senses and the reaction it creates. In physics, under the stable room temperature circumstances a person needs a confined “space” of more than 17 meters to perceive the echo of a sound. And as senses bounce back and forth between objects, emotion and consciousness consistently grow and transform in this state, as if an interactive force field in which a “space” does exist as well.
In Buddhism we hold the belief in “eight consciousnesses” or “nine consciousnesses,” which states the spiritual levels from senses, mind-consciousness to higher levels. When we set foot in the real/virtual world with our real/virtual bodies, utilizing them as carriers to take in sensory stimulation from the outside world, our real/virtual bodies are transformed into sense containers to react, blend and integrate via chemical changes. From this view, can we say that “carriers” have its own “space?” Moreover, should the communication between carriers be deemed as dialogues in between, or as the “resonances” among the “space?” Are spaces composed of carriers, or carriers be composed of spaces?
How to fulfill the communication if the receptors are in the state of inequivalence/ dissimilarity?
Since the space where carriers exist keeps transforming, emotion and consciousness transform accordingly. Everything is off and on: the carriers are clear at a time but turn blurry at another. They appear for some time and then vanish; stable for a moment, out of control the next. More so, the communication between carriers would be dysfunctional and stop working, in the end resulting in insulation.
These states that are concurrent with spaces and carriers shall be called “Gray Space,” like the world view of “Sub-space” in some of the fictions and games. As in either real world or virtual world, the resistance of outer worlds (carriers/ appearances) and inner worlds (spaces/ consciousnesses) can be both existent and non-existent. If two spaces fail to penetrate and break into each other, in such state of insulation, the carriers have no choice but to wobble to carry on.
Without intersection or union of the sets, having no similarity nor difference, the communication is barely conducted, connected or delivered. It can only be realized by appearance of objects or states, through senses and consciousness. In collision the gray spaces sometimes give off sparks by the friction. A spark may lead to a fire outbreak or may just cause nothing more than a glitter in the eye. Perhaps it would leave a mark and last for a short while, but hopefully it would evolve into a stunning vista at last.
view all【場所x碎片x結構物在雕塑與建築之間】
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