

一輩子的故事 -木托盤上的蘭花,玫瑰與編織藤籃- { A Life Time Story }

尺寸:76.2x122 cm






  • 分期數


  • 3期 利率0%

    NT$ 107,800

  • 6期

    NT$ 55,567

  • 12期

    NT$ 28,368

  • 一輩子的故事 -木托盤上的蘭花,玫瑰與編織藤籃- 

    A Life Time Story - Orchids and Roses on Wood Tray With A Weaving Basket


    76.2 (W) x 121.9 cm (H) x 3.5 cm (D)

    壓克力顏料/ 厚底畫布/ 原畫


    裝裱:不含框/ 澳洲空運回台 ,約兩周可抵達




    一輩子的故事 -托盤上的蘭花,玫瑰與編織藤籃- 

    肯定語- 以愛與感謝澆灌生命,讓美好自然而然的發生.


    1.本作品受邀刊登於澳洲 畫材品牌Mont Marte ART – 藝術家 林昕 專訪 – 創意永遠綻放 .

    出刊日- 4/11/2022

    報導連結 – https://www.montmarte.net/create/articles/creativity-is-always-in-full-bloom-with-hsin-lin


    2.本作品刊登於 澳洲墨爾本Maroondah 市政府月報– 藝術家 林昕 花綻瞬間 個展 專題報導.

    出刊日- 2/24/2022

    報導連結 – https://www.maroondah.vic.gov.au/About-Council/News/Council-blog/Blog/Interview-with-the-Artist-Hsin-Lin-Bloom-Like-Flowers


    原畫 作為主視覺作品於墨爾本 林昕 個人畫展 | 花綻瞬間 展出, 展期為期兩個月 {Bloom Like Flowers | Solo Exhibition by HSIN LIN | Presented by Maroondah City Council 7th Feb - 8th April 2022} - - 開幕影片 + 作品實拍 – (首頁與 4:38秒) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I6UcioG5tM


    2021年,全世界進入疫情後的新平衡.年初的澳洲因為疫情的關係還是長期封城.於是我埋首於這幅作品的創作.整幅作品耗時長達半年, 有興趣觀看作畫縮時影片的藏家, 連結在此-


    原畫同時刊於2021 11月 澳洲市政府主辦的雙年覽 Knox Immerse 作為主視覺作品,連結如下-




    畫中的兩種蘭花為力量,高貴與美的化身.在古希臘, 蘭花也代表生命力/生殖力. 粉紅色的玫瑰象徵感謝與傾慕. 細心描繪的編織的籐籃,一層層有秩序的緊密堆疊.象徵在新平衡下, 人與人之間就算分隔兩地, 仍然心與心緊密相連. 所有出現在我們生命中家人,朋友,甚至陌生人,都是特別的,無可取代的存在,而且有不可分割的關係.

    而本作品中出現的容器- 花瓶與木托盤,則是乘載靈魂的肉身.有如盾牌一般的保護著我們不受外界侵擾, 受傷了也能依照自然的規律恢復.

    一輩子的故事,就是獻給努力生活的我與你,對站在前線的醫療人員們的感謝. 珍惜在困境中,無論距離多遙遠 ,也永遠站在你身旁的親人好友. 看似獨立的的個體,結合起來成為密不可分的整體. 自只自中期許我的畫筆,忠於內心,紀錄時事.

    原畫同時刊於2021 11月 澳洲市政府主辦的雙年覽 Knox Immerse 作為主視覺作品.

    大尺寸原畫完美呈現細膩的細節, 歡迎喜歡的藏家收藏.




    旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.





    A Life Time Story - Orchids and Roses on Wood Tray with A Weaving Basket


    Artist Acrylic on triple primed gesso stretched gallery wrapped canvas.

    Artwork painted extend to all Sides. Ready to hang, D rings and wire attached at the back in gallery standard.

    Comes with certificate of authenticity. Sealed with clear varnish.

    76.2 (W) x 121.9 cm (H) x 3.5 cm (D) By HSIN LIN



    Show appreciation and love and the rest shall come to you.


    I would like to share the concept behind this piece if you have a bit of time.

    I started this artwork around February. It’s been a long journey, sunny days and rainy days. Long working hours required determination and faith to achieved. I spent almost every day studying those intricate composition and fine details. The process wasn’t an easy task but It’s a challenge that I enjoyed, and I happy to say I finally have it completed in May.


    By the time I have this artwork completed, I decided to name this artwork - A Life Time Story, which is an extension from my previous award-winning artwork – A Life Time Journey, A Life time blessing, and A Life Time Love.


    In this particular painting, the delicate, exotic orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility. Pink roses are symbolic of gratitude and appreciation.

    Flowers represent us as human, the wood tray and vases as the body carrying our soul and physical body, protecting us as a shield in natural order.

    The weaving basket stands for connections, the connection between families, friends, all the people around us. Even if you are apart, everyone still being linked together as a whole, stronger together. Every passenger in our life, every stranger, people who are meant to cross our path for a reason, plays an irreplaceable role in this lifetime story.


    This artwork is inspired by a graceful floral arrangement that I spotted in the local nursery. However, the side story- If you look close enough, you may notice from the details that there is something different from my usual approach.

    In fact, these gorgeous blooms were referenced from artificial/ Man made flowers. Due to the restriction in covid era, that was somehow the best that I could get at that time.

    I decided to be true to myself and to the time we live in, so I painted those as it is, kept the real details and let the viewer know the true story behind the scene.

    Because we are all part of this story, and the story goes on. We write our story individually, meanwhiles, together as a whole. It is also a reminder the special time that we come through. Our body kept us strong, alive and healed, the heroes who keep the world moving.


    The message that I wanted to deliver to the viewer are the vitality and endless possibilities, the grater love that I experienced during my art process and from the mother nature. 


    Being inspired by nature enlighten me in all aspects of life. I started with some small projects, gaining enormous joy and peacefulness from the process. Then I stared to work on more detailed and bigger piece, at the same time, focusing on developing skills and my own style, which is a challenge that I set for myself from time to time, and a challenge I enjoyed with no doubt.


    I am grateful and beyond humbled that I have the love and support from my collectors and gallery since I started. What is even better is I get to know a little bit more about how the artwork plays an important role in their life. Gradually, Art is no longer a one-man journey to me when I started to get lovely feed backs from collectors round the world, sharing their joyful experience and inspirations from my artworks.


    For people who read through the description, thank you for joining me on a life time story- a story that I write with my paint brushes, the one last for a life time.

    I sincerely hope you enjoy this artwork.

    Artwork completed in Melbourne, Victoria, 2021 Winter.

    Subject:靜物 花草 色塊 線條 

    Style:自然主義 新表現 具象 寫實 裝飾 茶壺食器 桌子 葉子 


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