運費:NT$ 600
心之歸宿 – 玻璃花瓶裡的皇后海神花, 尤加利花,果實與編織竹扇
Home Is Where You Are – White Queen Protea, Eucalyptus Flower and Gumnuts in a Vase
90 cm x 75cm x 2.5cm
澳洲空運回台, 付保真證書
肯定語 :有你的地方就是家, 是我心之所向.
畫面中原木桌上擺放著的玻璃花瓶裡, 花朵靜靜地綻放. 一旁擺放著的編織竹扇, 與藍色絨布的餐桌椅,後方的大花瓶擺放的竹子與木桌形成完美的平衡.
細細描繪的編織竹扇,一層層有秩序的緊密堆疊. 彷彿人與人之間,心與心緊密相連. 所有出現在生命裡的家人,朋友,甚至陌生人,都是特別,無可取代的存在.
午後的陽光從右方窗戶灑落. 如果家有一個理想形象, 想必這就會是心之所向.
白色的皇后海神花,別名「菩提花」。花型碩大奇特、高貴優雅,有「花中之王」的稱號。以其木質的特性,能強壯且長久維持漂亮的花形,也常作為婚禮與花藝用花。海神花花語 -勝利, 圓滿與吉祥.
尤加利花在澳洲原住民心中有著特殊的地位.其花語有「療癒」與「保護」的靈性意義. 結實纍纍的尤加利果實象徵豐收, 努力的成果.
這幅作品色彩典雅,潔白清爽的畫面色感, 使看起來的視覺效果非常舒服. 筆觸細膩順暢. 大尺寸原畫完美呈現細節, 適合客廳, 玄關,大堂, 會議室等主要位置, 歡迎與這幅原作有緣的藏家收藏.
旅澳得獎畫家HSIN LIN /林昕. 主攻當代花卉靜物.
Home Is Where You Are – White Queen Protea, Eucalyptus Flower and Gumnuts in a Vase
90 x 75 x 2.5 cm
Acrylic on Acid-free canvas. Painted with palette knives and brushes.
Sealed with clear spray varnish. Side panels painted.
Signed at the front and ready to hang.
Comes with a certificate of authenticity.
Affirmation: Home is where I find light when all goes dark, home is where you are.
To experience the seasons, it has become a routine of mine to paint the first bloom around my surroundings, during its flowering season. This artwork was inspired by a day trip to Torquay, Victoria. This gorgeous native bouquet in a tall glass vase in a beautiful indoor setting with a Woven bamboo fan caught my attention.
Protea flowers - native to Australia and South Africa, symbolise courage and Love. I am especially in love with the story behind the name: In Greek legend, proteas were named after Proteus, the son of Poseidon. A sea god who had the power to know all things past, present, and future.
The Woven bamboo fan stands for connections, the connection between families, friends, and all the people around us. Even if you are apart, everyone is still being linked together as a whole, stronger together. Every passenger in our life, every stranger, and people who stay and who are meant to cross our path for a reason plays an irreplaceable role in our story.
As for my all-time favourite - Eucalyptus stand for Healing and Protection. It’s what home is meant to be. A place where we can stay, relax, and breathe.
Flowers always bloom in their own time without competing with other flowers. May we all bloom in our time in the best season. Hope you enjoy this artwork of mine.
Artwork inspired by nature in Torquay, Australia, Summer 2025. -HSIN LIN