運費:NT$ 800
身在夢中, , 順著長長的小路 , 步入發出玄妙氣息的殿堂 . 向師父請示性空的道理以及證入性空的方法 , 師父向我開示說 : [ 放下妄想執著 , 不住 色 ’ 受 ’ 想 ’ 行 ’ 識 ’ 而生其心 , 行走人間 , 身處紛擾塵世 , 行 ’ 住 ’ 坐 ’ 臥 ’ , 不隨順念頭 , 安住於沒有起心動念的心理 .
The Hall of Dharma Transmission
In a dream, I followed a long path and entered a hall exuding a mysterious aura. I asked my master about the principles of emptiness and the methods to realize it. My master enlightened me, saying: “Let go of delusions and attachments, do not dwell on form, sensation, perception, mental formations, or consciousness, and let your mind arise. Walk through the world, amidst the turmoil of the mundane, whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, do not follow your thoughts, and remain in a state of mind free from arising thoughts.