1970 出生於吉林延邊
1995 畢業於延邊大學藝術學院美術系
1999 畢業於中央美術學院第10屆油畫助教研修班
朴光燮藝術創作用粉紅色作為其作品的標示性語言,本質是在象徵由CHINA極致的紅色,褪色為一種粉色,隱喻某種即將衰退老化的權力系統,中性的色彩表達了他細膩敏感的內心世界對現實的感受,傳遞著純淨和愛的力量。 「殘荷」殘敗的荷花之中傳達得是對於中國的審美情境,文化的衰敗感,是一種內心的變遷,主要表達的是過去象徵完美的事物與人文開始的衰落與殘敗感。
The Pink Power.Trademarked by using pink color, his work reflects the sensitivity and delicate inner world for the artist, also represents his reflection on the reality. Conveying the power of love and pureness. Born in 1970, Piao is among the first post-revolutionary Chinese to have only indirectly experienced Mao and the Cultural Revolution, in his case as a child. He came of age during the nineties and his art testifies the disruptive tensions between the traditional and the modern, the local and the global, prior to the ascent of China to (economic) superpower. Individualism is suppressed in the changing environment of commercialization and ideology. I chose pink to suggest fashion and…all kinds of negativity…this ambiguity suggests an absurd postmodernism.
【綻放於春曉畫色裡-春spring微醺 】中韓當代藝術特展 ,亞億藝術空間 ,台北市 ,台灣