陳國祥 1952/1/5,生於台東
1995 年 3 月,畫者遭索馬利亞海盜劫持,被囚禁於金吉祥號漁船船艙內長達 3 個月。受困期間,畫者利 用船上的油漆,嘗試在帆布上作畫,紀念被挾持到陸地上的同事。之後,畫者繳交贖款 30 萬美金後被釋 放。重獲自由後,畫者仍持續著這兩幅畫作 ( 海岸 ),長達 20 年。這幅畫的陸地以暗紅色來呈現,隱約 暗示著被綁架、甚至被謀殺的船員流淌的血液。
爾後二十餘年,畫者遊蕩非洲,仍沒有放棄對作畫的追求。一方面嘗試用自己的方式下筆,另一方面從碼 頭、市集邊的街頭畫家學習生活及作畫的技巧。 這些生命中獨特的痕跡,自然會呈現在其畫作之中。
畫者要特別感謝宗鴻、宗鈺在這艱困的 20 年陪伴著。
Chad Chen, born on 5 Jan 1952, Taitung.
In March 1996, the artist was kidnapped by Somali pirates and imprisoned onboard fishing vessel Jin Ji Xiang for three months at the height of the piracy threat in the Indian Ocean. During his imprisonment, the artist used leftover paint onboard to try and commemorate his less fortunate crew members that were being held hostage on the coast nearby.
Eventually released after paying a ransom of US$300,000, the artist continued his work on two canvases (entitled ‘the glimpse of hope’) for the next two decades. The painting ‘the glimpse of hope’ in his work is represented in dark red, suggesting the blood that flowed from the abduction and the probable murder of the crew members that were never heard from again.
For the next twenty years, the artist continued to travel through Africa but never gave up his passion for painting. Part of his craft evolved from this morbid history. The rest was gained from mingling with street painters at local docks and markets on the African continent that he learned to call home. These unique experiences will appear subtly in his work.
2011年10月10日 - 2011年10月30日 台灣駐阿曼代表處 百年國慶展 , MUSCAT, OMAN
2018年12月23日 - 2019年01月23日 世界華人藝術家書畫名家邀請展,SHANGHAI, CHINA
2020年12月01日 - 2021年02月01日 J HOME, KAOHSIUNG ,TAIWAN
2021年05月01日 - 2021年06月30日 羅丹藝境藝術中心,TAIPEI, TAIWAN
2021年07月25日 - 2021年09月25日 臻藝術 & 德國芬畫廊 , KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN
【霧海上的旅者 】陳國祥個展 ,羅丹藝境 ,台北市 ,台灣