哲旺・丹增 Tshewang Tenzin 藝術品 Artworks 關於About 展覽Exhibition 藝術品Artworks 影音Videos 報導與評論Articles 畫廊Galleries 暫無消息 丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery 哲旺・丹增 Dzambala's Watchful Eyes: Transforming Desire Into Ethical Abundance ,2024 請洽畫廊 丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery 哲旺・丹增 Yellow Dzambhala: The Fish-Formed Face of Abundance,2024 請洽畫廊 丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery 哲旺・丹增 Mount Meru,2023 作品已售出 丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery 哲旺・丹增 Mandala of the God of longevity,2023 作品已售出 丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery 哲旺・丹增 God of compassion,2023 作品已售出