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丹之寶TANSBAO Gallery
文殊菩薩是大乘佛教中的一位菩薩。我對文殊菩薩的了解來自於有關加德滿都谷地(Kathmandu Valley,尼泊爾的文化和歷史中心)創造的神話故事。傳聞,文殊菩薩創造了這片曾經是湖泊的谷地,湖中心有一朵美麗的蓮花。祂騎著一隻藍色的獅子、持著一朵藍色的蓮花,用火焰寶劍劈開四周的山丘,讓水流出。那朵蓮花後來成為了斯瓦揚布大塔,也就是畫作背景中的圓頂。
Manjushree is a Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism. My understanding of Manjushree comes from the mythological story of the creation of the Kathmandu Valley. According to the legend, he created the valley, which was once a lake with a beautiful lotus at its center. Using his flaming sword, he cut through the surrounding hills to release the water. The lotus then transformed into the Swayambhunath Stupa, which appears as the dome in the background of the painting. It is said that he rides a blue lion and holds a blue lotus.