【WHAAAAAT'S ART】國際當代藝術博覽

日期:2021-05-07 ~ 2021-05-09
台北喜來登大飯店 (台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號8樓)
台北喜來登大飯店8樓【Room 869】
2021年5月7日 (五) 12:00-16:00
2021年5月7日 (五) 16:00-21:00
2021年5月8日 (六) 12:00-21:00
2021年5月9日 (日) 12:00-18:00
WHAAAAAT’S – NOW!第二屆WHAAAAAT'S國際當代藝術博覽會將於2021年5月7至9日於台北喜來登大飯店盛大舉行。阿波羅畫廊【Room 869】將展出Uwe Mertsch、Mario Weinberg、高永滄、洪司丞、李怡萱、顏昱齊等藝術家。
秉著「極簡、單純即是美」的〔#Uwe Mertsch〕,畢業於德國杜塞道夫藝術學院。「L1190-系列」是他將壓克力彩繪在3-4mm的木板上,以極簡的造型及流暢的線條來表現大自然風景的光景氛圍與質感。拼貼系列(Collage)則是運用多元的媒材,如壓克力、水墨、粉蠟筆、咖啡粉,呈現出基底,再將剪自於時尚雜誌的彩色圖片搭配印刷體的標題字,在畫布上重新排列組合,創作出一幅幅面貌獨特的作品。
〔#Mario Weinberg〕畢業於德國知名造型藝術大學敏斯特藝術學院,以抽象表現結合了街頭店家商標、廣告傳單等,以拼貼方式融入近期的創作中。期許觀者能從畫中引發思考,並在想法交流中產生碰撞及不同的解讀。
最後一位是〔#洪司丞#IOYOI〕,他曾任板橋435藝文特區、空場Polymer駐村藝術家。並獲得國家藝文基金會、王道銀行教育基金會等獎助。勇於嘗試的司丞,近期關注於NFT數碼藝術與繪畫的結合,並已通過英國knownOrigin平台審核(註:提供藝術家展示及銷售數位藝術品的區塊鏈平台,並透過智能合約管理,安全地進行數位作品流通) 。作為臺灣NFT數碼藝術的先驅者之一,他已逐步摸索出屬於自己的一條路,並漸漸地獲得藏家的肯定。除此之外,司丞也通過講座等活動,無私與人分享及交流。
WHAAAAAT’S – NOW! The second WHAAAAAT'S International Contemporary Art Fair will be held at the Sheraton Taipei Hotel from May 7 to 9, 2021. Apollo Art Gallery [Room 869] will exhibit the works of Uwe Mertsch, Mario Weinberg, Kao Yung-Chung, Hong Sicheng, Li Yi-Hsuan, Yen Yu-Chi, amongst other artists.
German artist Uwe Mertsch graduated from the famous Düsseldorf Art School, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, and has a personal philosophy of “Minimalism; Simplicity is beauty.” His L1190 series is one that uses 3-4mm thick wooden boards, utilising acrylic and minimalist shapes with smooth lines to express the atmospheres and textures of natural scenery. The Collage series uses multimedia including acrylic, ink, pastel crayons, coffee powder, and photographs from magazines to present unique images and perspectives.
As a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts Münster, Weinberg uses expressive, bold and unrestrained colours, inviting his viewers to interrogate his works. Conceived with a consciousness towards space, he hopes that by facilitating an exchange of perspectives between artist and viewer, new interpretations can emerge.
Kao Yung-Chung applies simple geometric shapes, abstract symbols, letters, and numbers in his works to replace unnecessary and complicated compositions. Each of Kuo’s creations contain a sense of fantasy like de Saint-Exupéry’s Little Prince’s explorations into space, delicately probing in the vast unknown to discover new realms.
Lee Yi-Hsuan uses her personal experiences growing up in the countryside as the child of farmers to express contradictions between society and nature. Using predominantly acrylic paint, Lee’s works depict the changes to scenes from her childhood memories that have occurred as society has progressed. Each painting is like a montage to the countryside, filled with the plants that perfuse the artist’s memories, commenting on the development of society over time.
Yen Yu-Chi employs Surrealism to ponder the contradictory natures of form and matter. By incorporating objects and elements wouldn’t typically be seen together, Yen creates new visions and perspectives, similar to how as people we constantly evolve and present different versions of ourselves to the world as we absorb varying experiences and knowledge. The artist believes that with each identity, we assume different roles and responsibilities. However, it is pertinent that we continue to remain present with each transition and enjoy the process.
Hung Shih-Cheng (IOYOI), who used to be an artist-in-residence at the Banqiao 435 Art Zone as well as Polymer, has been the recipient of the National Arts and Culture Foundation and the O-Bank Education Foundation grants. A pioneer of NFT (non-fungible token) digital art in Taiwan who has been reviewed by digital art platform knownOrigin, Hung has immersed himself in this newfound domain and has also taken it upon himself to educate and share his knowledge with others in Taiwan in order to increase Taiwan’s presence in the global art community.
Apollo Art Gallery would like to sincerely invite all art lovers to attend WHAAAAAT’S ART, which will present opportunities for close interactions with each and every art piece.