【VOYAGE: Naufal Abshar 台灣首展】VOYAGE: Naufal Abshar First Solo Exhibition in Taiwan
日期:2022-03-05 ~ 2022-04-24
大雋藝術(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號 No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C) )
VOYAGE: Naufal Abshar First Solo Exhibition in Taiwan
日期 Date|2022/03/05 Sat. – 04/24 Sun.
時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 Mon. closed
地點 Venue|大雋藝術 Rich Art Gallery(408台中市南屯區惠文路489號)
No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C)
03/05 (六) 17:00 - 21:00
現場將邀請DJ表演,並供應佐酒餐車美食及台灣瓶裝調酒第一品牌 WAT免費暢飲,給您五感極致藝術饗宴,誠摯邀請您蒞臨同歡!
Merchandise related to the artist is available exclusively at the Taiwan exhibition. Limited supply only.
2022年開春,大雋藝術很榮幸地邀請印尼新銳藝術家Naufal Abshar於台灣舉辦首次個展《Voyage》。本次展覽呈現他藝術生涯各系列創作,包括半立體互動裝置、複合媒材平面畫布及紙本作品,反映人類身處大環境下的共同時代經歷,與觀者產生情感共鳴,展期自3月5日至4月24日,邀您感受饒富趣味巧思的獨特藝術魅力!
「Voyage這個詞對我而言就像在汪洋中進行一段悠長的旅程,蘊含對於生命持續探索的意義。」-Naufal Abshar
For the spring of 2022, Rich Art is honored to be presenting up-and-coming Indonesian artist Naufal Abshar’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan. This exhibition features the different series created throughout the artist’s career and spans semi-3D interactive installations, mixed-media paintings, and works on paper, showcasing reflections of the shared experiences of human beings. The exhibition is on view between March 5 and April 24, and we invite you to immerse in the artist’s singular creative expression.
I believe Voyage is the word of a long journey in the big ocean, a metaphoric explanation of the life discovery.
— Naufal Abshar
Life is like sailing on the sea of the unknown, where one experiences serenity, turbulence, and new narratives, creating new memories as we proceed from one chapter to another, from one scene to the next. As captains of the “voyage,” the artist hopes that we can have an unending passion for life, continuing to develop, explore, and wander throughout the process, just like his artworks.
┅┅┅❝ ABOUT ARTIST ❞ ┅┅┅
Naufal Abshar 1993年印尼萬隆出生, 2015年取得新加坡拉薩爾藝術學院與倫敦大學金匠學院雙學位,2019年暑期曾駐村紐約藝術學院,目前居住於雅加達及新加坡,為東南亞藝術界具知名度的新起之秀,作品型態包含繪畫、雕塑、互動裝置等,展覽足跡遍佈全球,如印尼、新加坡、香港、義大利威尼斯、美國華盛頓/紐約及立陶宛等,更曾與HP惠普、NESCAFÉ雀巢咖啡等多間知名國際品牌跨界合作。
Naufal Abshar was born in 1993 in Bandung, Indonesia, and was awarded duo diplomas from LASALLE College of the Arts and Goldsmiths, University of London, and he was a resident artist at the New York Academy of Art during the summer of 2019. Abshar currently lives in Jakarta and Singapore and is an acclaimed young artist in the Southeast Asian art world. His works include paintings, sculptures, and interactive installations, and he has held exhibitions worldwide, including in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Venice (Italy), Washington/New York (USA), and Lithuania. He has also collaborated with several well-known international brands such as HP and NESCAFÉ. -
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