


  • 展期

    日期:2022-03-29 ~ 2022-04-06

  • 地點


  • 「我們第二個家」探索臺灣與拉丁美洲之間豐富多元的跨文化關係。展覽命題環繞著人們對於「歸屬感」的追求,一個私密卻普世的渴望。本展集結多位來自拉丁美洲目前居住在台灣的藝術家們,包含瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、貝里斯及墨西哥等國家,並透過策展實踐將藝術轉譯為象徵性的創作語言。藝術家們不僅代表他們的家鄉,更藉由藝術創作表現對臺灣——「第二個家」的情感,通過展出作品建立臺灣與拉丁美洲文化的視覺橋樑。「我們第二個家」希冀帶領每位觀眾,不分國籍與文化,皆可透過藝術家獨特的創作語彙,並連結自身的生命經驗,在跨文化的語境下,一同探尋並分享這份「歸屬感」。


    ‘Our Second Home’ explores the enriching transcultural relationship shared between Taiwan and Latin America. The meaning of the title itself revolves around the idea of building a ‘sense of belonging’, which is a universal yet personal deep sensation everyone longs for. This is symbolically translated through the curation of a collection of artworks produced exclusively by artists from Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and Mexico based in Taiwan. These artists are not only here to represent their country of origin, but also Taiwan —considered as their ‘second home’. Each work serves as a visual bridge that connects and harmoniously combines Taiwanese and Latin American culture. It is hoped that everyone, regardless of their nationality, are able to relate personally to the narratives expressed in the artworks and at the same time share that sense of ‘belonging’ within the transcultural context the exhibition sets.

    The geographical barrier of 15,000 kilometers that physically separates Taiwan and Latin America is broken down and both regions are brought together to meet at Shintomicho Cultural Market located in Wanhua District. Established in 1935, it was known before as Xinfu Market and later in 2017 it reopened officially to the public. The chosen venue itself holds significant value as a subject matter in the narrative of the exhibition. It’s not only a building with heritage value, moreover it is symbolically a ‘home’ that has warmly opened its doors to international art practice and welcomes everyone to come engage in cross cultural discourses.

    On behalf of the Latin American community in Taiwan, we are grateful to be welcomed to come put down roots here and be able to consider ourselves not only as ‘Latinos’, but also as 臺灣人!

    ● 藝術家 | Artists
    特別嘉賓 Special Guest Artist |卡德納斯 Mod Cárdenas
    GT | 瓜地馬拉 Guatemala
    梁英 Javier Leon
    艾卡倫 Alejandra Laguardia
    桑如雅 Jerusha Nicole Sanchez
    HN | 宏都拉斯 Honduras
    安偉恩 Aníbal Moisés Aguilar
    葛海娜 Ariana Gale
    林雷聲 Rodrigo Lopez Santo
    BZ | 貝里斯 Belize
    包蕾娜 Karina Bol-Torres
    貝泰樂Taylor Bood-Usher
    MX|墨西哥 Mexico
    左芮娜 Mar Zavala
    特別表演嘉賓 | Special Guest Performers
    邱語謙, 李苡瑄, 李司敏

    ● 展覽資訊 | Exhibition Information
    時間 | Time
    2022/03/29 (週二) - 2022/04/06 (週三) 10:00 - 18:00
    地點 | Location
    新富町文化市場 U-mkt Shintomicho Cultural Market
    No. 70, Sanshui Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City (2-minute walk from Exit 3 of MRT Longshan Temple Station)

    ● 展覽團隊 | Exhibition Team
    麥美金 Alejandra Sanchez
    贊助單位 | Sponsor
    瓜地馬拉共和國駐臺大使館 Embajada de Guatemala en Taiwán
    中美洲經貿辦事處 Central America Trade Office
    設計團隊 | Design Team
    左芮娜 Mar Zavala
    桑如雅 Jerusha Nicole Sanchez
    艾卡倫 Alejandra Laguardia
    製片人 | Filmmaker
    麥美珍 Adriana Sanchez
    攝影師 | Photography
    陳星 David Lacoque
    展務協力|Exhibition cooperation
    Pico International Taiwan Ltd
    特別感謝|Special thanks
    瓜地馬拉共和國駐臺大使館: 赫克托Héctor Ramírez



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