【Painting Through Drawing】莫妮卡.蘇畢迭個展
日期:2022-08-19 ~ 2022-09-03
Mònica Subidé個展Painting Through Drawing以紙本作品展現近年來對藝術家身分之於生命意義的回望。敘述在創作時拋開意識及方法,以達到無法克制而全然投入情感的狀態進行創作。並以對她而言有十分強烈連結的媒材,紙作為創作的載體,探索私密而直接的信念及情感,在混亂的思緒中藉紙本創作,踏上尋覓的路徑。
Mònica Subidé (b.1974, Barcelona, Spain) 擅長輕巧使用多種媒材,包含顏料、鉛筆、及拼貼。 作品畫面虛幻而平靜,從她柔和的調色到不完整的線條及立體主義般的陰影描繪方法,讓人聯想到藝術家Egon Schiele、Ernst Kirchner 和 Pablo Picasso 富有表現藝術豐富的色塊與筆觸的作品。
YIRI ARTS is pleased to present “Painting Through Drawing,” a solo exhibition focussing on a new body of work on paper by Mònica Subidé. In her recent work, Mònica continues to employ her unique and intimate visual languages while re-examining the relationship between painting, drawing, and the identity as a painter. Here, Mònica positions herself away from a conventional working method. She developed a novel and personal approach, depicting those around her with daringly honest, forthright, and empathetic warmth throughout her practice. Seeing paper as a vessel creates the most direct insight and emotional force. For her, drawing builds a path embedded with the narrative that leads to her paintings.
Mònica Subidé (b.1974, Barcelona, Spain) working with a variety of mediums and grounds—oil paint, pencil, canvas, paper, and sometimes minimal collaged motifs. The quality of her dreamlike work, both illusory and placid, ranging from her muted colour palettes to her unfinished lines and quasi-cubist approach to shading, precise in style, nonetheless conjures the elements of old master paintings, such as those by Egon Schiele, Ernst Kirchner, and Pablo Picasso.
Painting Through Drawing| 莫妮卡.蘇畢迭個展 Mònica Subidé Solo Exhibition
Date |2022.08.19–09.03
Opening|08.19 15:00-19:00