


  • 展期

    日期:2023-04-21 ~ 2023-08-26

  • 地點

    光復路二段101號 文物館展覽廳

  • 新竹古稱竹塹,雍正元年(1723),清廷於新竹設治淡水廳,至今三百年。道光三年(1823),新竹舉人鄭用錫高中癸未進士,破臺灣史之天荒,開臺進士之名不脛而走,於今兩百年。三百年來,由於原住民、大陸各省先後移民以及晚近新住民的共同努力,新竹一市學府林立,工商雲集,人文科技輝映,民主民生共榮,已蔚然成為臺灣名府。



    Known as Tek-chhàm in the old days, Hsinchu now celebrates three hundred years since the Qing court established the Tanshi Ting in the city in the first year of the Yongzheng reign (1723). It also celebrates two hundred years since Hsinchu native Zheng Yongxi became the first Taiwanese candidate for succeeding the imperial examination in the year of Kueiwei, which was the third year of the Daoguang reign (1823).
    After Taiwan was liberate from Japanese colonization, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) re-established in Hsinchu in 1956 to carry on the cultural development initiated by Zheng Yongxi and the academic milieu of Tsinghua University in Peiking (now Beijing). For over sixty years, NTHU has collaborated and prospered with communities in Hsinchu, mutually contributing to each other’s progress. Hsinchu has become a center of culture and technology, renowned for prestigious academic institutions and innovative technology companies due to the collective efforts of indigenous peoples, immigrants from various provinces in China, and new immigrants in contemporary Taiwan.

    This year marks the 300th anniversary of Hsinchu’s establishment and the 200th anniversary of Zheng Yongxi’s success as the first Taiwanese candidate of the imperial examination. The National Tsing Hua University Heritage Museum is pleased to present this special exhibition, “Story of Tek-chhàm—Three Hundred Years Rule of Law, Two Hundred Years Rule of Culture,” in commemoration of the milestone achieved by this magnificent city.



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