【從景觀社會到意識工業 From the Society of the Spectacle to the Consciousness Industry】沃倫.奈迪奇 Warren Neidich 個展

日期:2023-06-20 ~ 2023-07-23
沃倫.奈迪奇 Warren Neidich
From the Society of the Spectacle to the Consciousness Industry
Warren Neidich solo exhibition
◉2023.06.20 Tue. 14:00
開幕導覽 Opening & Guided tour
◉2023.6.20 Tue. 14:30~17:30
藝術家座談 Artist talk
Fake News and Information Manipulation:The Polluted Epistemic Environment and Mental Mechanism
▶黃祥昀 Hsiang-Yun Huang
▶沃倫.奈迪奇 Warren Neidich
Information Manipulation: Mind, Cognition, and Power
▶林映彤 Ying-Tung Lin
Mind-Models in Our Moment of the Consciousness Industry
大腦與心智是二十一世紀的工廠,我們早已進入「心智—螢幕」勞動的時代,不論此刻呆坐螢幕前的你或者使用手機點擊App書寫的我,無時無刻皆是認知資本主義系統下的心智勞動者(mental labours),個人的奇異性皆為資料與數據,正在共同建構著代表著大我的機械意識。外置化到搜尋引擎中的集體記憶,我們活在搜尋引擎和社交媒體中所創建出的同溫層泡泡中(filter bubbles),被細緻地控制著;供過於求的海量資訊,成就了注意力經濟存在為必要之惡,卻也截斷了我們自身和所處世界的真實全貌;事實上我們就是數據與資料,肉體僅是資訊的孿生,我們都是這個新興的、龐大的網路意識工業生產線上過勞的勞動份子。
曾經參與2022年第十七屆數位藝術節的美國藝術家沃倫・奈迪奇將再次展出由DAC委託再製的大型霓虹燈雕塑《從景觀工程到意識工業》( From the Society of the Spectacle to the Consciousness Industry),並因應臺北數位藝術中心的空間重新調整再現。霓虹燈作為顯然已不合時宜的科技物,但依舊標示著消費社會的奇特景觀,遍佈空間時而閃滅的霓虹燈詞組,如被大數據所數據化和資訊化的腦神經元。同時展出藝術家稱為「匿名者Q」的YouTube風格下所拍攝成的實驗性紀錄片《披薩門事件:從謠言到妄想》( Pizzagate: From Rumor to Delusion),啟發自2016年美國總統大選期間,因假新聞所引發的真實社會事件,討論後真相社會中的荒誕,以及網路假訊息和仇恨言論作為武器所潛藏撼動網路鄉民認知的力量。
Having brains and minds are the factories of the XXI century, as of now, we are already in the “mind-screen” labor era. Whether it is you who are sitting in front of the screen absent-mindedly or me using the cellphone to write or click on an App, we are all mental labours under the cognitive capitalist system at all times. The individual’s singularities are the data and information that are jointly constructing the mechanical consciousness that represents the greater self. Having the collective memory exteriorized in the search engine, we live in the filter bubbles of the echo chamber created by the search engine and social media. In fact, we are being delicately and meticulously controlled. The massive, oversupplied information has become the necessary evil for the existence of an attention economy, intercepting the real depiction of the world that we are situated. In fact, we are data and information. The carnal body is the twin of information. Thus, we are all overworked labours in the industrial production lines of this emerging and immense network consciousness.
Warren Neidich, the American artist who participated in the 2022 Taipei Digital Art Festival, will showcase again From the Society of the Spectacle to the Consciousness Industry, the large neon sculpture, which was entrusted by the DAC, remodified in response to the spatial conditions of Digital Art Center, Taipei. Although neon works are noticeably outdated techno-items, they are still peculiar spectacles that mark the consumer society. The flickering neon phrases all over the space are like the brain neurons digitized and informatized by big data. Exhibiting at the same time is the artwork referred by the artist as “Anonymous Q” - Pizzagate: From Rumor to Delusion - an experimental documentary filmed in YouTube style. It is inspired by a real social incident triggered by fake news during the American Presidential Election in 2016, exploring the absurdity of the post-truth society and the cognitive power of the netizens that shakes up the network by using misinformation and hate speeches as their weapons.
沃倫・奈迪奇 Warren Neidich
美國藝術家沃倫・奈迪奇(Warren Neidich)現居紐約與柏林。五年來,奈迪奇透過文字、霓虹雕塑、繪畫和攝影,創作異花授粉(cross-pollinating)的跨域概念作品──融合藝術、科學與社會正義三個領域,並反映這三者形成的邊界區域中的情況。奈迪奇為薩斯婓夏季藝術學院(Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art)創辦人兼現任院長。學院於今夏與紐約《布魯克林鐵道報》(The Brooklyn Rail) 共同合作,針對認知資本世(Cognitive Capitaloscene)裡的深層生態學(Deep Ecology)進行討論。其個展和聯展分別於威尼斯雙年展、惠特尼美術館、紐約現代藝術博物館PS1分館,以及其他多家國際畫廊、美術館展出;並有超過150家報章雜誌曾針對其作品撰文報導。奈迪奇曾獲:2020年與2021年德國諾斯塔特文化基金會(Stiftung Kunstfonds NEUSTART KULTUR)獎金、2021年德國柏林首都文化基金(Hauptstadtkulturfonds)獎金,以及2017年柏林參議院目錄出版獎金(Katalogförderung des Berliner Senats)。
Neidich currently works between New York City and Berlin. Over the past five years, American artist Warren Neidich has used written texts, neon light sculptures, paintings and photographs to create cross-pollinating conceptual works that reflect upon situations at the border zones of art, science, and cognitive justice. He is founder and director of the Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art, which this summer will focus upon “Cognitive Justice in Cognitive Capitalism, in collaboration with The Brooklyn Rail and Residency Unlimited. Selected solo and group exhibitions include the Venice Biennale, Whitney Museum of American Art, P.S.1 MOMA, museums and galleries all over the world. His work has been the subject of over 150 magazine and newspaper articles. Recent awards include Stiftung Kunstfonds NEUSTART KULTUR (2020 and 2021), Hauptstadtkulturfonds (2021), and Katalogförderung des Berliner Senats (2017).