【凇白】扇田克也、趙南開 玻璃創作聯展

日期:2024-01-06 ~ 2024-02-04
凇白:扇田克也、趙南開 玻璃創作聯展
《凇白》玻璃創作聯展,相互映照著日台兩位藝術家彼此經由玻璃創作,觀察與理解世界的方式 —— 透著玻璃,是面向外部的美好想望,也是對自我的深度回溯。純Object 本次特別與 #飛皇藝廊 合作,邀請日本藝術家扇田克也,築起一幢幢安靜而溫暖的玻璃屋,吸引觀者重新認識光的存在,如同智慧於生命過程中的各種理解,並渴望藉由不一樣的光線表現,重新發現溫柔看待世界的方法。台灣藝術家趙南開則以高山溪水作靈感,由玻璃切割線條,抽象地反映溪水平靜表層與漩渦暗流之間的虛實危機轉換,以及自身面對恐懼與無助的直觀感受。
1957 年出生於日本大阪河內長野,畢業於東京玻璃藝術學院。擅長創作源自美索不達米亞古文明時期的金屬冷鑄玻璃,使玻璃在高熱熔化、冷卻固化的過程聚和光線,再經由石膏外模產生精緻複雜的紋理,映照出獨特靜謐感。令作品彷彿光的容器,能隨時間與環境,在其中形成一道道溫潤的光。
1980 年生於台北,新竹教育大學藝術與設計學系、澳洲國立大學玻璃工藝與設計系畢業。始於繪畫,進而投入玻璃藝術創作,以平面玻璃作畫布,注重表面肌理細節。擅長利用熔合方式,將玻璃本質發揮至極致。創作中保留許多繪畫符號與偶發的自然狀態,透過其極簡作品,展現純粹之難得。
The Rime:
Joint Exhibition by OHGITA KATSUYA and NAN KAI CHAO
Glass, like frost formed by condensed water vapor, is transparent and pure.
The exhibition reflects the ways in which two glass artists from Japan and Taiwan, through their glass creations, observe and understand the world. Through the glass, there’ s a beautiful longing for the external world, as well as a profound introspection of the self. Japanese artist Ohgita Katsuya
constructs quiet and warm glass houses, inviting viewers to rediscover the presence of light and explore different perspectives on understanding life's processes. He aspires to unveil gentle ways of looking at the world through the expression of varied light. Taiwanese artist Nan Kai Chao draws inspiration from high mountain streams, using cut glass lines to abstractly reflect the transition between the calm surface and the swirling undercurrents of the stream. His work also captures the intuitive experiences of facing fear and helplessness.
Ohgita Katsuya observes various landscapes such as mountains, oceans, starry skies, and drizzle in the surrounding life. He collects seemingly small details from daily life and, using metal casting glass, guides light through glass blocks. This process results in concentrated beams of light, allowing each piece to exhibit a unique and fantastical appearance depending on the angle and intensity of the light. On the other hand, Nan Kai Chao considers black and white as an extension of paper and ink in his artistic expression. Through the use of pure white, he interprets the existence of emptiness and infinity. Departing from the common transparent and smooth characteristics of glass, his works present a matte and warm appearance. For him, the creative process involves the reproduction of memories and self-critique. Techniques such as fusion, cutting, sandblasting, and polishing symbolize the gradual accumulation, erosion, and disintegration of his subtle perceptions, ultimately presenting works that embody a minimalist purity.
Ohgita Katsuya
Ohgita Katsuya was born in 1957 in Osaka, Nara, Japan, and graduated from the Tokyo Glass Art Institute. He excels in creating metal casting glass inspired by the ancient Mesopotamian civilization, allowing glass to gather and refract light through the process of high-temperature melting and subsequent cooling solidification. This enables the glass to develop intricate textures by utilizing plaster molds, reflecting a unique and serene quality in his artworks.
Nan Kai Chao
Nan Kai Chao was born in 1980 in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of Arts and Design at National Hsinchu University of Education and later pursued studies in Glass Crafts and Design at the Canberra School of Art in Australia. Starting with drawing, he later delved into the realm of glass art, using flat glass as his canvas and emphasizing surface texture details. Proficient in the fusing technique, he maximizes the essence of glass in his creations. His works retain many drawing symbols and occasional natural states, showcasing rare purity through his minimalist pieces. -