


  • 展期

    日期:2024-03-23 ~ 2024-04-14

  • 地點


  • 相關連結

    純Object 官網
    純Object 臉書

  • 參展藝術家


  • 彩虹犀望:施力仁雕塑個展



    Rhino: The Symbol of Hope Shih Li-Jen Solo Exhibition

    Rhinoceroses are often regarded as symbols of resilience and peace. Contemporary artist Shih Li-Jen transforms the rhinoceros from solitary horned beasts into postmodern cultural symbols through metal sculpture, embodying his own reflections and concerns on contemporary issues. He interprets the relationship between humans and rhinoceroses into designs of hard-edged structures and modern armor, thus humanizing and geometrically stylizing his rhinoceros works. Using various metal elements, he reinterprets traditional philosophical and spiritual ideas, reflecting on the relationship between humans and nature. This enables his works convey a sense of solemnity and unique significance akin to monuments in different environments.
    In this exhibition, "King Kong Rhino" projects a vision of technological craftsmanship and future development; the whimsical "Harley King Kong," with rivet details, seamlessly combines the charm of rhinoceros vigor with industrial dynamism; "Xili and Yuanbao" with concentric fingerprint patterns and tripod-shaped limbs express reverence for life and appreciation for Chinese culture; the "Cartoon Rhino" series, with its gentle appearance, bestows blessings upon the world. The morphological variations in Shih Li-Jen's works serve as a metaphor for human evolution and embody the hopeful energy of coexistence between humans and nature.

    Shih Li-Jen
    Born in 1955 in Changhua, Taiwan, Shih Li-Jen, an internationally renowned art curator and agent in Asia, is active in both Beijing and Taiwan. In recent years, he has gained international recognition in the art world for his bold and innovative rhinoceros series, which boldly break away from traditional mediums and forms. Through his artistic expression, he aims to raise awareness about ecological conservation and species protection. He excels in manipulating form, volume, material, and color to achieve an excellent harmony between his works and the environment, emphasizing the public and social aspects of art.
    His early creative journey ignited his innovative spirit towards different materials and forms, with his artistic themes gradually shifting from figures and animals to rhinoceroses. He was invited to participate in the Venice Biennale in 2017, where "King Kong Rhino" became the first work by a Chinese artist to be exhibited in the Marinaressa park during the Biennale. The following year, he was invited to exhibit at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, making him the first Taiwanese artist at that time whose works spanned both the art and architecture fields in such a major exhibition.


    純Object 官網
    純Object 臉書

純Obejct施力仁Shih Li-Jen彩虹犀望


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