
The cherished memories of mountain climbs with family, where drifting clouds and swaying grasses adorned nature's visage, are deeply rooted in the artist's childhood recollections. Through the medium of ink, mixed media, and everyday objects, the artist narrates those delightful days embraced by the forested mountains, intertwining numerous life experiences related to the natural elements. Viewing her artwork is akin to reading a poem—a poem where the artist deftly retrieves and reweaves the strands of time and space, subtle and profound.
Basking in the Mountains
Chen Chao-Pei Solo Exhibition
2025. 1. 6 Mon. — 1. 24 Fri.
⫸週日–週五 12:00-17:00 #週六休館
⫸創作者|陳肇珮 Chen Chao-Pei
Chen Chao-Pei born in Xiushui, Changhua, currently pursuing a PhD in Art Creation Theory at National Taiwan Normal University. The recent body of work centers on the theme of "mountain climbing", drawing nourishment from traditional landscape painting, delving into the physical sensations of being in the mountains, and finally, in retrospect, presenting the climbing series through visual, auditory, and object representations derived from experience and memory. -
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