
  • 展期

    日期:2015-03-22 ~ 2015-04-26

  • 地點

  • 開幕表演 / Opening
    3.27 (FRI) 13:00 -15:30
    空場 Polymer
    海星星 Wen-Hsin Teng、盧子珩 Ziheng Lu&楊政Cevo Yang、Dennis Tan&Shark Li Fun、
    Pacific Romance(葉育君YuJun Ye &Alexis Mailles)、拉菲爾 Rafaël

    tamtamART TAIPEI 於2015年3月22日起舉辦為期6週的「當。滲透影像媒體藝術節」,與東京、上海、新加坡、首爾、里昂5個城市的藝術單位交流,串連起台灣北中南10處在地藝術單位,其中包含劇場、音樂節與當代藝術空間來展現跨領域、跨單位的活力。此次更值得一提的是,tamtamART與台北當地具指標性的「T-Fest明日音樂祭」(前野台開唱)進行合作開創台灣先例,於音樂祭裡策劃數位藝術單元,共約80位國際策展人及藝術家共同參與。藝術節其間將由主辦單位與各國策展人帶領藝術家舉辦播映會、現場表演、座談等活動。與此同時,tamtamART TAIPEI 團隊更進一步的與國外藝術單位達成協議,於展演結束後,台灣單元作品將巡迴至此次共同參與展出的城市推廣,嘗試創造出更寬闊交流環境與可能。

    這次的藝術節主題從水分子的滲透現象的概念出發。Osmosis希臘原文中的Osmos帶有Impulse推動力的意涵, 這力道類似刺激、促進、衝動…。(CON)TEMPORARY OSMOSIS – 可被作為當代範疇的滲透感;或短暫、暫時性的時間性滲透狀態,這層面帶出了一個關係上的依附產生感,再經由連結的時間性進一步產生刺點、同化、吸收、異化、相斥…等不同的相互推動力。在這影像、錄像媒材被極度快速生產的時代,影像語言進入畫素化、分格化、後製過度化,或許一個影格滲透下一個影格,是毒害抑或取得平衡,都是在「當。滲透影像媒體藝術節2015」以亞洲串聯影像為主的藝術節中帶給觀眾的觀感思維主題。

    (CON)TEMPORARY OSMOSIS - Audiovisual Media festival 2015

    Celebrating the international trends of cooperation between arts festivals, tamtamART TAIPEI will host a 6-week arts festival, “(CON)TEMPORARY OSMOSIS - Audiovisual Media festival 2015”, starting from 03/22/2015. During the festival, tamtamART will work with arts organizations from five international cities, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Seoul, and Lyon and ten local arts organizations around Taiwan, including theaters, music festivals, and contemporary arts spaces to showcase the vibrancy of cross-discipline and cross-organization. Above all, tamtamART is having an unprecedented collaboration with T-Fest 明日音樂祭, an iconic Taipei music festival, to present a digital art section in the music festival with the participation of 80 international curators and artists. During the festival, tamtamART along with curators and artists will hold a variety of activities, including screenings, performances, and talks. In the mean time, tamtamART have come to an agreement with participating foreign arts organizations that, after the festival, art works in Taiwanese section will be featured in a series of traveling exhibitions to five counties of the foreign arts organizations trying to create further communications and more possibilities.

    Osmosis the diffusion water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane, from a region of higher concentration (solution of low concentration) to a region of lower concentration (solution of high concentration) when concentration inside and that outside the cell are not balanced (isotonic). The word osmosis is from the Greek word “Osmos”, which means an impulse. This kind of force is similar to stimulation, promotion, and compulsion.

    Contemporary Osmosis: It can be interpreted as the contemporary sense of permeatability, or the temporary or short-term state of permeation. In this aspect, there is a sense of attachment in relationships. Then, through the time of links, various mutual driving forces such as punctum, assimilation, absorption, dissimilation, repulsion, etc. are created. In this age when image and video media can be produced rapidly, image language is pixelized, framized, and over post-produced. Whether the process from one frame into the next through permeation is a process of poisoning or achieving balance is an issue for participants to reflect on during the “(CON)TEMPORARY OSMOSIS - Audiovisual Media festival 2015”, a festival focusing on Asian linked images.


    。3.22 - 29 12:00 - 18:00
    空場 Polymer
    龐畢度/東京前衛影像單元 Hors Pistes Tokyo selection (JP)、上海N分鐘錄像藝術節單元 N-Minutes Video Art Festival selection (CH)、新加坡藝術村單元The Artists Village(SG)、韓國影像單元「未開發之地The Wild」(KR)、法國影像單元「來來回回 Round Trip」(FR)、tamtamART+ASC selection (TW)

    。3.26 (THU) 14:00 -
    佳佳.士林珮柏 Papersun Apartment
    記者會 / Press Conference

    。3.27 (FRI) 13:00 -15:30
    空場 Polymer
    Opening + Performance:
    海星星 Wen-Hsin Teng、盧子珩 Ziheng Lu&楊政Cevo Yang、Dennis Tan&Shark Li Fun、Pacific Romance(葉育君YuJun Ye &Alexis Mailles)、拉菲爾 Rafaël

    。3.27 (FRI) 18:00 -
    T Fest – Koener / 爭豔館 EXPO Dome
    20:20-20:40 中山晃子 Akiko nakayama

    。3.28 (SAT) 18:40 -
    T Fest – Koener / 爭豔館 EXPO Dome
    21:00-21:20 拉菲爾 Rafaël

    。3.28 (SAT) 19:20 -
    T Fest – Talent / 流行館 Eco ARK
    19:20-19:40 海星星 Wen-Hsin Teng
    22:40-23:00 Kim kyung-mi
    23:20-23:40 Dennis Tan&Shark Li Fun

    。3.29 (SUN) 16:00 -
    T Fest – Talent / 流行館 Eco ARK
    16:00-16:20 Pacific Romance (葉育君YuJun Ye X Alexis Mailles)
    18:00-18:20 張欣 Sheryl Cheung
    20:00-20:20 鄭先喻 Xian-Yu Zheng
    22:00-22:20 西山修平 Shuhei Nishiyama

    。4.4 (SAT) 19:00 -
    失聲祭 LSF / 躁咖 Changee
    西原尚 Nao Nishihara & 藤田龍平 Ryuhei Fujita、拉菲爾 Rafaël 、盧子珩 Ziheng Lu&楊政Cevo Yang、、謝瀞瑩 Olifa Hsieh

    。4.4 (SAT) 15:00 -
    打開當代工作站 OCAC
    Projection:15:00-16:30 (SG)
    Attendee:Urich Lau、羅仕東 Shih-Tung Lo、鄒逸真 I-Chen Tsou、洪韵婷 Yun-Ting Hung

    。4.5 (SUN) 13:00 -
    打開當代工作站 OCAC
    Attendee:Yongsung Paik、易連 Elian、羅禾淋 He-Lin Luo、何尉民 Wei-Ming Ho

    。4.11(SAT) 13:00 -
    自由人公寓 Freedom Men Apartments
    13:00-14:30 (KR)、14:30-16:00 (SG)、16:00-18:00 (TW)、18:00-19:00 (JP)、19:00-20:00 (CH)、20:00-21:00 (FR)

    。4.12 (SUN) 13:00 -
    自由人公寓 Freedom Men Apartments
    Projection:13:00-14:00 (JP)、14:00-15:00 (CH)、15:00-16:00 (FR)、18:00-19:30 (KR)、19:30-21:00 (SG)
    Attendee:李茗哲 Ming-Teh Lee、莊培鑫 Pei-Hsin Chuang 、黃彥超Jonathan Y.C. Huang、許怡慈 Yi-Tzu Hu、洪韵婷 Yun-Ting Hung、鄒逸真 I-Chen Tsou、何尉民 Wei-Ming Ho

    。4.18 (SAT) 15:00 -
    院子劇場 Yard / Theatre
    2F:15:00-17:00 (TW)、17:00-18:00 (JP)
    18:30-20:00 (KR)
    3F:15:00-16:00 (CH)、16:00-17:00 (FR)
    17:30-19:00 (SG)
    Attendee:Gilles Massot、劉芳一 Fang-Yi Liu、謝奉珍Feng Chen Hsieh、Urich Lau、洪韵婷 Yun-Ting Hung、鄒逸真 I-Chen Tsou、何尉民 Wei-Ming Ho

    。4.19 (SUN) 15:00 -
    院子劇場 Yard / Theatre
    2F:15:00-17:00 (TW)、17:00-18:00 (JP)
    18:30-20:00 (KR)
    3F:15:00-16:30 (SG)、16:30-17:30 (CH)
    18:00-19:00 (FR)

    。4.25 (SAT) 14:00 -
    江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo
    4/25 14:00-16:00 (CH+FR)、16:00-18:00 (TW)、Conference:19:30-21:30
    Attendee:林書民Shu-Min Lin、陳宜君 Yi-Chun Chen、張登堯Deng-Yao Chang、洪韵婷 Yun-Ting Hung、鄒逸真 I-Chen Tsou、何尉民 Wei-Ming Ho

    。4.26 (SUN) 15:00 -
    江山藝改所 Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo
    15:00-17:30 (JP+KR)、19:30-21:00 (SG)

    ---MAIN FESTIVAL CURATORS-----------------------------
    何尉民Wei-Ming HO、洪韵婷Yun-Ting Hung、鄒逸真I-Chen Tsou

    tamtamART TAIPEI

    ---CO - ORGANIZER--------------------------------------------
    Instant 42
    長榮大學美術系 Department of Fine Arts, Chang Jung Christian University

    中國上海N分鐘錄像藝術節 N-Minutes Video Art Festival
    新加坡藝術村 The Artists Village (TAV)
    韓國石蕊社區藝術空間Community space Litmus
    Le Gran Lux當代藝術空間
    明日音樂祭 T FEST
    打開-當代藝術工作站 Open-Contemporary Art Center (OCAC)
    失聲祭 Lacking Sound Festival (LSF)
    空場 Polymer
    自由人藝術公寓 Freedom Men Apartments
    院子劇場 Yard / Theatre
    江山藝改所Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo

    文化部 The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of China



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